SSL position paper available for manufacturers

Dec. 7, 2009
Date Announced: 07 Dec 2009 Boston, MA -- The Consortium for Energy Efficiency has released a position paper that identifies the information and test data needed to evaluate solid state lighting (SSL) products. CEE members, representing the energy efficiency program administrators of the United States and Canada, plan to use this product information to evaluate the efficiency and quality of SSL products they will consider promoting to the commercial and residential markets.Over the past few years, energy efficiency program administrators have been following the technical advances in SSL technology in the hopes of incorporating SSL products into their programs. Although the technology has continued to progress and improve, program administrators have been cautious to promote SSL products because some of them have failed to live up to manufacturer claims and failed to outperform traditional light sources. Energy efficiency programs are only successful in delivering savings to their customers when they promote efficient products that live up to the promise of fundamental value.The Position Paper on Solid State Lighting in Efficiency Programs provides manufacturers with the fundamentals on voluntary energy efficiency programs, including information about how they work and what types of incentives they typically use to promote efficient products and services. The Position Paper also outlines the technical information that efficiency programs need from manufacturers in order to evaluate SSL product performance and consider it for potential inclusion in their promotional efforts. The Position Paper explains how manufacturers can partner with energy efficiency programs to promote quality, efficient SSL products, and as a result, improve sales of these products over time. By using the approaches outlined in the Position Paper, energy efficiency programs have successfully increased sales and market penetration of traditional energy efficient lighting products, including fluorescent technologies like CFLs and T8 lamps. Program administrators look forward to working with SSL manufacturers to create the same positive outcome for that technology.By reading the Position Paper on Solid State Lighting and understanding the requirements needed to partner with efficiency programs, manufacturers can ensure that their SSL products are introduced to the commercial and residential markets in the best light possible.For more information on the specific test data requirements and program incentives, visit the and read the in full.About CEECEE is a consortium of efficiency program administrators from across the United States and Canada who work together on market approaches to advancing efficiency. Through joining forces, the individual efficiency programs of CEE are able to partner not only with each other, but with other industries, trade associations, and government agencies. By working together at CEE, administrators leverage the effect of their funding dollars, exchange information on effective practices and, by doing so, achieve greater energy efficiency for the public good.

Sarah Griffith Director of Communications Consortium for Energy Efficiency 617.337.9270

E-mail:[email protected]
