Philips Controls UK welcomes Dynalite to the team

Dec. 15, 2009
Date Announced: 15 Dec 2009 Following acquisition by Royal Philips Electronics in March 2009, the UK division of lighting control and automation specialist, Philips Dynalite, will join forces with the Philips UK Lighting Controls team in January 2010. To be headed up by Rob Mitchell, General Manager Philips UK Lighting Controls, the new combined team will deliver a powerful portfolio of lighting control and automation solutions to the UK market, leveraging the respective strengths of both well-known brands.According to Mitchell, operations will continue as normal within the blended team—with the added benefit of an enhanced range to underpin solutions. “Dynalite has a huge reputation in the UK and we are keen to keep that magic,” he said. “All the key Dynalite people are making the transition, so we can maintain existing relationships while providing even more options. For all the lighting designers, dealers, custom installers, specifiers and E&M contractors that have dealings with Dynalite, it will be business as usual.”Mitchell emphasised that every care is being taken to maintain the integrity of the Dynalite control philosophy during the integration of the two teams. He also said that legacy systems and installations of both the Dynalite and Philips brands would be supported for the foreseeable future, with new developments designed to be backwards compatible with both systems.First joining the Philips UK sales team in 1992, Mitchell was appointed general manager of the controls group in 2006. Assuming leadership of the combined Philips and Dynalite controls team, Mitchell says the two brands complement each other perfectly. “Dynalite has enormous expertise in architectural lighting control solutions for the high-end residential and hospitality sectors, which are not areas we’re very involved in from a controls point of view,” he said. “Add this to Philips’ expertise in energy management for office buildings and you have a very powerful portfolio.”With the new-look management team in place since 1 November, the rest of the current Philips Dynalite team relocates this month to Philips Lighting headquarters in Guildford, Surrey, followed by commencement of combined operations on 4 January 2010. Meanwhile, outgoing Managing Director of Philips Dynalite Europe, Paul Wilmshurst, moves into the role of European Business Development Director for Philips Dynalite.

Global Dannielle Furness, Marketing Manager, Philips Dynalite Telephone: +61 2 8338 9899 E-Mail: [email protected] UK Barbara Neate, Media Relations Manager, Philips Lighting Telephone: + 44 (0)1483 293 071 E-mail: [email protected] Europe: Paul Wilmshurst, Philips Dynalite Europe Telephone: +44 (0)798 932 4046

E-mail:[email protected]
