LED lighting Moscow railway station in St. Petersburg.

Sept. 8, 2009
Date Announced: 08 Sep 2009 Company «Focus» with the «Research - Production Center of environmental technologies in transport», developed and implemented an innovative project on LED lighting canopy «tent» Distribution Platform Moscow Railway Station, St. - Petersburg Regional North - West Directorate of the railway stations.Before the introduction of the system, energy consumption was 17.16 kW. After you install innovative lighting systems based on LEDs, manufactured by "Focus", energy consumption was 3.9 kW, which is in 4,4 times less.This project improves lighting quality and brings real savings. Reduces the load on the grid and no operating costs.

"Focus" Ltd. 1, Melioratorov street, Schelkovo, Moscow region, 141100 - Rus, Russia +7 (915) 177-4494 +7 (903) 183-1118 +7 (496) 255-66-85

E-mail:[email protected]

Web Site:www.ledsvet.ru