Date Announced: 15 Sep 2009 Jiangsu Province Energy-Saving Technology Service Center released the test report on August 27, 2009, on the energy saving potential of the LED Industrial Lamp, developed by Jisan Optoelectronics Inc.According to the testing report, the LED Industrial Lamp is more than three times brighter than the traditional high pressure sodium lamp, while the actual power consupmton is only about 1/3 of the later. The tested LED Industrial Lamp has an input power of 111W, and the average ground illumination intensity is 53 Lux, while the high pressure sodium lamp has an input power of 318W, and average illumination intensity of 17 Lux. Both lamps were at an height of 6 meters above ground.The LED Industrial Lamp is developed for lighting applications for various industrial sites, both indoors and outdoors. It can also be used for car garages, gas stations and other various lighting applications.
Jishan Optoelectronics Corp. Ms. Tina Hu Tel: 0086-25-84817373,86872030-8020
E-mail:[email protected]