Date Announced: 07 Sep 2009 Company "Focus" starts release of a new series of products: "Light-emitting diode fixtures for needs of housing and communal services". Fixtures of a series "housing and communal services" are intended for installation at entrances, corridors and other premises of inhabited and uninhabited buildings.The primary goal of the given fixtures – to finish the dark entrances fused and broken by bulbs, hooting, blinking fixtures. Fixtures of a series of housing and communal services have been developed by company "FOCUS" taking into account realities of our life: expensive electric power, universal vandalism, the astable electric system, and frequently and operation at very low temperatures.Fixtures of the given series possess fine operational characteristics: a wide range of feeding pressure of 120~280 Volt, a range of working temperatures: – 40 ~ +45 ºС. The fixture case is executed from shock-proof optical polycarbonate that provides unsurpassed stability to shock loadings, and the confidential fixture entering into the complete set, will not allow malefactors to remove the fixture. Fixtures incorporate electronic safety locks which will reliably protect from excess of pressure of the feeding electric system up to 800 Volt, and also from an overheat.Fixtures will be issued on the basis of light-emitting diodes NICHIA (Japan) or OSRAM (Germany).As fixtures of a series of housing and communal services will be accessible in two updatings: standard and «ECО» - with the gauge of a sound which gives additional economy of the electric power.Fixture "housing and communal services-ECO" - is simply irreplaceable for приквартирного illumination. The action principle consists that after a while after complete silence approach, the fixture passes in a mode of power savings and consumes approximately 10 - 20 % from rated power. Thus, as a rule, it is enough light stream for confident work of systems of video observation. At occurrence of any sound (steps, etc.), the fixture instantly passes in a rated power mode. The system has high enough sensitivity, and does work of the fixture convenient and not appreciable.
"Focus" Ltd. 1, Melioratorov street, Schelkovo, Moscow region, 141100 - Rus, Russia +7 (915) 177-4494 +7 (903) 183-1118 +7 (496) 255-66-85 [email protected]
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