Forge Europa CBEN Excellence Awards winners 2012

April 17, 2012
Date Announced: 17 Apr 2012 Forge Europa was proud to be one of the businesses honoured at the Cumbria Business Environment Network (CBEN) Awards, held at the Castle Green Hotel, Kendal on Tuesday 27th March 2012 and hosted by ITV’s Tim Backshall. The awards recognise businesses that have worked hard to minimise their impact on the environment by implementing greener working practices.Lynne Fox, chief executive of Cumbria Rural Enterprise Agency (CREA), which runs the awards, said: “This is the 12th year of the awards and we had a really impressive standard of nominations to consider. Businesses came from across Cumbria and represented almost every industry sector, from tourism and retail to construction and engineering.” Forge Europa won the Excellence Award for achievements including product development of low energy LED lighting, significant transport savings, reductions in waste to landfill and the development of an extremely energy efficient new building: the Lighting Solutions Centre.Julie Barton, Forge Europa’s HR Director, said “We are delighted that our commitment to our environmental policy has been recognised with the CBEN Excellence Award. I would like to thank our team at Forge Europa for their hard work and innovative ideas, and the CBEN team for their advice and support.”

Sarah Simpson, Product marketing Co-ordinator Forge Europa Tel: +44(0)1229 580 000

E-mail:[email protected]
