Ercole Marelli Power Sh.A approaches the SSL market with its own production line

Dec. 18, 2012
Date Announced: 18 Dec 2012 Ercole Marelli Power, one of the most important Italian Company, involved in the Electrical Power Machines market, as Transformers, Electrical Engines, Hydro Generators, Electrical mainframes since 1891 with two main factories located either in Tirana (Albania) and Bari (Italy) is approaching the LED Lighting market throughout its new division: MARELLI lighting. Its production line will be placed initially in Tirana, and will employee 45 technicians as engineer as well. News about incoming products will follow shortly.

Daniele V. Cordova Marelli Lighting V.President of sales +39.333.8532070

E-mail:[email protected]
