Eco-FX becomes WALGA preferred supplier

June 28, 2012
Date Announced: 28 Jun 2012 Eco-FX LED Pty Ltd has been appointed to the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) Supply Panel for their LED Luminaires and Related Services, for Local and Shire Governments throughout Western Australian. Eco-FX has an established range of Australian compliant Smarter LED Lighting products which use state of the art chip set technology.Becoming a WALGA Preferred Supplier simply means Councils can now easily purchase Eco-FX Smarter LED Lighting through Local Government contracts. Councils are free to directly approach for a quote, without going to tender. In other words, WALGA has done all the hard work to ensure that Eco-FX meets the various contractual requirements. Local Governments can feel confident about installing these LED products through varied project applications. Eco-FX aims to build a cleaner energy future through the provision of high quality, low energy, cost effective LED technology solutions for the global industrial and commercial lighting markets.2011-2012 achievements:•WALGA Preferred Supplier: A strategic win in June 2012, being awarded 'Preferred Supplier Contract for LED Luminaires and Related Services' to supply local and shire Councils around Western Australia•Kingsway City Shopping Centre: January 2012, saw The Minister for Environment; Water, Honourable Bill Marmion, stand as Guest of Honour for the 'Turning On of the Lights' held at Kingsway City Shopping Centre, Madeley, Perth. The event officially launched the successful installation of Eco-FX Luminaires, in conjunction with celebrating the first phase of Kingsway City’s new environmental initiative program. (•Water Corporation: In July 2011, the supply of LED luminaires to the Water Corporation Headquarters, Leederville, Perth. ( Works ongoing.•SAA Approvals: Awarded in June 2011, 'Certificate of Approval' for the Eco-FX LED Light Panel range; SAA Approvals issue 'Electrical Product Safety Approval' Certification for electrical equipment that has proven to comply with the safety requirements of the applicable Australian Standard. Accepted throughout Australia and New Zealand.If the team at Eco-FX can be of any further assistance, please contact [email protected]

ph: +61 (08) 9207 3049 a: 195 Main Street, Osborne Park, 6017 Perth Western Australia

E-mail:[email protected]
