Santa Croce (Saint Cross) Church in Rome adopts 7W LED bulbs to illuminate navate and side aisles

Nov. 4, 2012
Date Announced: 04 Nov 2012 ELELUX continue its job to replace old lighting systems in Italy. Saint Cross in Rome, a 1913 built Church, placed just few steps away from the MAXI, the Modern Art Museum in Rome. 70 new bulb lamps produced by SGS Light Shenzen, allow to cut off 80% of the energy costs spent to illuminate the Church. Next step, planned before the 2013 Easter time, will replace 100 light candles, achiving further energy saving, bring the Saint Cross to be the most "Green" Church of the Capital of Italy.

Daniele Cordova National Sales Manager +39.333.8532070

E-mail:[email protected]
