Trumpro LED lights lit up Black&Decker plants

Aug. 1, 2012
Date Announced: 01 Aug 2012 Black&Decker, one of the top power tool companies in the world, is known globally for its speed of innovations and marketing powers. Its aggressive new product launch schedule prominently positions the company in the forefront of the industry. Now, the company’s drive for new products also spreads to its aggressive approach in adopting new technologies that are environmental friendly. LED is one of the areas B&D looked at. In 2010, the company, after extensive research and study, has commissioned Trumpro to convert its office lighting to LED lighting. The computer lux simulation done by Trumpro provided B&D multiple options. Weighing factors of improving lighting, required Return On Investment and short Payback, B&D elected the option of using our 14W LED tubes to replace its 44W (36W for the tube and 8W for the magnetic ballast). Within a couple of months of that decision, the installation is done. Today, all tube lights are in perfect operating condition, saving B&D at least 68% in power bills in office lighting, and tons of the headaches for the facility team for not having calls from colleagues:“my light here is out.”If the retrofitting of the office is just a start for B&D’s journey onto LED lighting, the next phase project of retrofitting its entire three plants with our industrial LED high bay lights signifies its commitment towards environment and energy conservation. The original factory floors were lit by 250W metal halide lights. The company retrofitted them with Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) of 135W. Unfortunately, the company experienced the fast depreciation of lumen with CFL, an experiences commonly shared by many industrial users of CFL. Again, Trumpro came in and provided objective and expert design options with LED lights. B&D decided on our 45W industrial LED high bay lights. At the same time, Trumpro offered extremely competitive commercial incentives that yielded ROI north of 65% and a Payback time of around 18 months for B&D. Today, the entire three plants, totally over 75,000 square meters, are lit by our industrial LED high bay lights. Even better, no loss of Lux was reported since the installation about one and half year ago.At Trumpro, we enjoy our customer's success, because their success keeps the world greener.Contact us if you wish to learn more about our solutions, products, services and application cases.

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