Joliet spread the cost of implementing LED street lighting

Oct. 7, 2008
Date Announced: 07 Oct 2008 Street lighting is by far the highest expense faced by local authorities but switching to energy saving LED streetlights requires a big investment. Or does it? Leading European suppliers Joliet Technology offer to spread the load.Switching to LED street lights offers up to 80% savings on power consumption and ensures a complete return on investment in less than 17 months with colossal savings over the 10 year life of the product. Resultant reductions in harmful Co2 and So2 emissions are proportional.Conventional sodium HP or metal halide lamps have a life span of around one year requiring at least annual replacement and maintenance. Joliet proposes that local authorities should maintain a policy of replacing broken sodium or metal halide bulbs with LED units instead of replacing the bulb.Unlike many street light suppliers Joliet will provide replacement LED street lights in small quantities, allowing customers to hold a small stock of LED street lights instead of a large stock of replacement lamp bulbs. Joliet also offer a price incentive based on a forecasted annual requirement so that customers are not cost penalized by buying small quantities of street lights.Over time a local authority can replace all existing, high power consumption street lights with LED without having made a single large capital investment.Once installed Joliet LED street lights require no regular maintenance further increasing savings on replacement bulbs, access equipment and labour costs. The all important ROI or payback time is one of the key factors in choosing LED replacement street lights. The latest high power LED street lights from European leader Joliet Technology offer a complete return on investment in less than two years. Based on the current average power costs in Europe, the Joliet LED streetlight range offer payback periods of between 17 and 23 months. It is undisputed that electricity costs will increase in the foreseeable future reducing potential payback times still further.Many countries around the world have a significantly higher cost of power than Europe. In some countries Joliet LED streetlights can offer a complete return on investment in less than one year.

Joliet Technology

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