KV-Mechelen soccerclub has new LED screen in use

Dec. 1, 2008
Date Announced: 01 Dec 2008 Helmond, Netherlands, December 1, 2008 KV-Mechelen has new LED screen in use! Prior to the soccer match KV-Mechelen vs Standard Liege (0-0 result), the new LED screen of approximately 11 m2 was officialy handed over to the Soccerclub KV Mechelen. KV Mechelen is one of the Premier league soccerclubs in Belgium.The new LED screen will inform the public about relevant information before, during and after the matches. Also, the LED screen is a significant extension of the sponsorship opportunities at KV-Mechelen. This LED screen is one of the newer generations of LED screens, and in terms of price/performance ratio a significant positive step in the Return on Investment. In addition to a improved quality and higher resolution, the price of these screens are approx. 30% lower then the current market offer. For KV Mechelen this means that their investment on initial and operational costs are earned back in a shorter period of time. Niteon Systems has recently become the exclusive distributor for Sino-Colour in the Benelux. LED screens in several resolutions and sizes are available. This technique is also ideal for sunny days to produce excellent visible image. The cities of Mechelen and Helmond have also been a Twin city for 25 years, which puts this agreement between Niteon Systems and KV Mechelen in a broader perspective. Both cities are active in the field of citymarketing and LED screens give added value in this field.

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