Key Photonics Ltd to host major launch of two types of Lighting Design software

Feb. 11, 2011
Date Announced: 11 Feb 2011 2nd March at CEME LondonFor anyone involved with lights or lighting design.The presentation is of two groundbreaking lighting design softwares:1. Oxytech’s LiteStar 4D and web catalogueThe new integrated management system for lighting design projects, photometry management, metric calculation, electronic catalogues and estimating. It includes the new calculation module and rendering (Photon mapping method) among the fastest and most amazing in the world, created in line with the very latest international standards2. Lambda Research’s TracePro 7.0Powerful Opto-Mechanical 3D Lighting and illumination software package. TracePro is a flexible ray tracing program based on ACIS, the industry-standard solid modelling kernel. It predicts intensity patterns in candelas and calculates illuminance on any surface. TracePro can model any surface type, and any surface can be made a source of light. It features an easy and fun to use, state-of-the-art graphical Windows interface and strong data exchange capabilities with CAD and lens design software.The designers and manufactures of the software from Italy and the US will be demonstrating the software.The presentation is taking place at the CEME conference centre in London and is free to the first 40 applicants. This is a not to be missed event for anyone serious about lighting and energy efficiency, from LED to daylight simulation!Please request a registration form if interested. For more information or registration form contact:[email protected]

Key Photonics Ltd Tel: + 44(0)1223-235264

E-mail:[email protected]
