RentAlite USA offers Save & Share program for parking garages for no investment

Feb. 16, 2011
Date Announced: 16 Feb 2011 Are you waiting to decide whether to invest in Premium Power LED lighting? Your cost of waiting could be 150.000 dollars annually, per 1000 lamps only!The sharing model: Nowadays parking garages are looking for more efficiency and ways to increase profit. The barrier for most companies when they want to start saving money is the investment that comes with it. Therefore Rentalite offers a Save & Share solution without upfront investment plus Led lighting specially designed for the parking industry.This program is a unique revenue sharing model which works in the following manner: you (the client) will receive RentAlite’s Premium Power LEDs for free, save 65%-85% on the energy bill, and based upon those savings you will share the amount of money saved. In addition you will also have a 6 year warranty and the newest LED technology installed in your parking structure! Two options: RentAlite can offer you 2 different versions of the Premium Power LED lighting with the following specifications:60” 30W PPL:Our 60” Premium Power LED only uses 30 watts (dimmable in steps 30W/25W/20W/15W ) and gives the same light display as T8 fluorescent tubes with an 65%-85% savings. Average savings per 500 PPLs is $US40.000 per year (vs. T8 Fluorescent tubes)!87” 60W PPL Plus:Our more powerful 60W Premium Power LED PLUS (dimmable in 10 steps of 10%) can be used to replace High Pressure Sodium Lamps and Metal Halide fixtures, one on one, these PPLs Plus have a wider light spread angle than the HPS and Metal Halide fixtures and therefore create a better light display on the floor of your parking garage.Average savings per 500 PPls PLUS is $US75.000 per year (vs. HPS and Metal Halide lamps)!So no investment, extra profit, no risk and being green.See more on, it’s Made in Europe and the USA!!

RentAlite USA: +1 619-955-3909 [email protected] RentAlite Europe: +31 (0)651197875 [email protected]

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