Date Announced: 10 May 2011 Oxford, Mich. – Relume Technologies, a leading manufacturer of LED products and smart grid control systems for outdoor lighting applications, has upgraded the cobra-head style HID street lights in West Nottingham Township, Pa. to its LED VUE™ fixtures.The installation, which was completed in February by Relume’s distributer partner Stouch Lighting, will meet the Township’s objectives to generate energy savings, while at the same time enhancing light quality and increasing community safety. In addition to the Township’s street lights, area lighting at the Park and Ride – a memorial dedicated to WWII veterans – was upgraded to Relume’s LED fixtures as well."Exploring the value of LED lighting fixtures, getting the best solution, and achieving increased light output; is a tremendous benefit for our township and the community,” said Candace Miller, secretary and treasurer for West Nottingham Township. “The lighting will improve the safety in our community, as well as reduce energy consumption and energy costs through efficiency improvements; taking us one step forward to becoming more energy efficient while increasing productivity for economic growth and community development.”Relume’s VUE™ family of street and roadway fixtures combine the latest in CREE LEDs, system electronics, thermal management, and optical design to make LED lighting a practical reality for street and roadway lighting applications. The substantial savings in reduced energy and maintenance costs results in an average payback time on investment of less than four years. In addition, VUE™ fixtures contain no hazardous materials and are fully recyclable.“West Nottingham Township has joined the ranks of communities around the country that are reaping the environmental, cost and efficiency benefits of upgrading to LED lighting systems,” said Crawford Lipsey, Relume’s CEO. “Relume’s LEDs have reduced the Township’s energy consumption by 60 percent and have a life expectancy of up to 18 years, four times longer than conventional HID lamps.”In addition to West Nottingham Township, Relume has implemented LED conversion projects in a number of cities across North America, including Toronto, Arlington, Va., Ann Arbor, Mich., Canton, Ohio, and Peoria, Arizona. About Relume TechnologiesRelume Technologies is a Michigan-based company with its production facilities located in Oxford, Mich. and sales outlets in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe and the Middle East. Its products include street lights, parking structure and parking lot fixtures, street name lighting systems and innovative solutions for decorative area lights. Relume also manufactures lighting for commercial signs, bill board luminaires and specialized products for the military and government. Relume is an equal opportunity employer with ISO 9001-2008 certified production management systems. Relume is a member of the Michigan Solid State Lighting Association.
Rick Nelson Relume Technologies Phone: 248-969-3800
E-mail:[email protected]