Jenoptik and LEIDS will cooperate in the field of LED lighting

May 11, 2011
Date Announced: 11 May 2011 Jenoptik´s business unit Optoelectronic Systems, manufacturer ofoptoelectronic systems and polymer optical components, and LEIDS GmbH &Co. KG jointly present innovative LED illumination solutions at the tradeshowtransport logistic 2011 for the first time. Both partners agreed to sign adevelopment and cooperation agreement in the field of LED industriallighting. The agreement runs for 5 years.Both partners complement each other in several value added stages for the lighting industry. Thecooperation leverages the expertise of LEIDS GmbH & Co. KG in the field of LED production, systemdesign as well as market access to the industry, and the competencies of the business unit OptoelectronicSystems of Jenoptik´s Optical Systems division in the field of development and production of highperformanceoptics.The cooperation aims at the common development and production of components, modules and highlyefficient LED illumination systems for industrial applications such as warehouse or workplace lighting.Decisive factors for market success of LED illumination solutions will be efficiency increase of the LED lightsource, electronics and heat dissipation as well as cost reduction by implementing industrial and flexibleprocesses. The special focus of future developments will be on the advancement of lighting performanceof the LED lamps.Integrating high-performance optics into industrial lamps helps to generate light distribution exactlyadapted to applications for industrial customers and to produce a higher light intensity in total. Usingthese optics produced with mass replication techniques at the same time reduces the number of LEDsneeded and thus achieves cost advantages for final products and their operation. Both factors will play animportant role for the future development of the market.Both partners show their latest LED lighting solutions for industrialapplications at the exhibition transport logistics 2011 in Munich in hall A6, booth 152.About the Jenoptik business unit Optoelectronic SystemsThe business unit Optoelectronic Systems belongs to the Jenoptik Optical Systems division and is specialistfor producing polymer optics and has essential competencies in all important stages of the value-addedchain – from development to design and prototyping through series production of optomechanical andoptoelectronic components and systems.With its Optical Systems division, the Jenoptik Group is one of the few manufacturers in the world toproduce precision optics and systems designed to meet the highest quality standards.Besides systems, modules and assemblies, the Optical Systems division is a development and productionpartner for optical, microoptical and coated optical components - made of optical glasses, IR materials aswell as polymers. It possesses outstanding expertise in the development and manufacture of optics andmicrooptics for beam shaping used in the semiconductor industry and laser material processing. Theproduct portfolio also includes systems and components for life sciences as well as lighting applications,modules and system solutions for digital image capture and processing as well as cameras for digitalmicroscopy.About the LEIDS GmbH & Co. KG: From LED manufacturer to an one-stop supplierLEIDS GmbH & Co. KG is a subsidiary of the Taiwanese LED manufacturer ALDER Optomechanical Corp.,founded in 2002. Due to the predictable market development, an own European brand for designing andmarketing complete lighting solutions was founded in the middle of 2008. The German sales office, leadby the co-owners, turned into an operative subsidiary for luminaire development, certification, distributionand sales management of the brand LEIDS in Europe. Meanwhile there are LEIDS branches in Switzerland,Greece, Qatar, the Benelux countries, Poland and Turkey. The concept of own LED production and ownluminaire development enables LEIDS to offer LED solutions at the latest state of the art and to reactflexibly and quickly to changing market requirements.The relaunch “LEIDS switch it on” in May 2011 combined with the new corporate identity is the next bigstep for positioning the brand LEIDS in the European market.

Contact Mathias Goebel, Key Account Manager Lighting Business Unit Optoelectronic Systems JENOPTIK Polymer Systems GmbH Am Sandberg 2 07819 Triptis, Germany Tel. +49 36482 45-128 Fax -45-226

E-mail:[email protected]
