Electronica BV presents Bits2Power - lighting control just got easy

April 5, 2011
Date Announced: 05 Apr 2011 After extensive research and testing Rena Electronica B.V. proudly presents Bits2Power. A new, revolutionary and advanced lighting control system.The Bits2Power lighting control system has been developed to create a seamless integration with lighting and building management systems. Smartly manage lighting sources to save energy. Bits2Power is an advanced lighting control system based on 2 wires (power and communication). This makes Bits2power probably the easiest lighting control system to install today. Bits2Power conveniently communicates with most of the lighting management protocols. This gives a lot of freedom when choosing luminaires. Bits2Power systems operate on 48V. This means that larger distances can be bridged compared to the conventional 12 & 24V systems. Bits2Power systems can be up to 250m long per connection. In addition Bits2Power also enables combining and controlling different lighting sources (LED, HALO, CFL). With Bits2Power every individual fixture can be made addressable. The ability to smoothly dim light to 0%* is an additional feature of the Bits2Power technology. The Bits2Power Lighting Control system consists of 3 components, • power data controller (PDC), • drivers• accessories.The heart of each Bits2Power system is the so called Power Data Controller unit. A combined power and communication source.Each unit can be installed with a lighting management protocol key for e.g. DMX, Dali etc.Bits2Power Power Data Controllers can handle up to 96 addresses. Multiple Power Data Controllers can be connected in parallel and with each other to create even more addresses. Conveniently and easily connect drivers and accessories with just 2 wires. With additional accessories the Bits2Power system can be personalized even more. Energy efficiency, safety & cost advantagesBits2Power is a system based on 2 wires. Compared to conventional lighting systems, Bits2Power uses up to 50% less copper wiring. This results into big savings on wiring. In addition installation time can be substantially reduced. Bits2Power systems safely operate on 48V. Bits2Power is ideal in combination with new LED luminaires.Bits2Power components have a very high power efficiency of up to 95%. In standby mode they hardly consume energy and are Energy Star compliant. The price/performance ratio of Bits2Power systems as a consequence is very competitive. All Bits2Power components come with a 5 years warranty.Superb, easy and accessibleWith Bits2Power different lighting sources (LED, HALO, CFL) can be combined and controlled. Smoothly and effortlessly dim light to 0%*. Lighting control has never been so easy !Contrary to other lighting protocols Bits2Power is an open standard. This means that all manufacturers of luminaires, modules and system integrators can easily join.Following Bits2Power products will become available end of April:• Power Data Controller 600W• single channel high power LED drivers with currents of 350 and 700mA• DALI and DMX protocol communication keys• Touch Technology InterfaceThe Bits2Power will be further extended with:• single channel high power LED drivers with currents of 500 and 1050mA• 2 channel high power LED drivers (cool white/warm white)• 3 channel high power LED drivers (Red, Green, Blue)• 4 channel high power LED drivers (Red, Green, Blue, White)• LED drivers for low power LEDs• Halogen drivers• Relay drivers (for e.g. TL)All these benefits make Bits2Power the ideal lighting management control system for system integrators, lighting management control system manufacturers, installers and fixture manufacturers.

Rena Electronics BV De Ambachten 12 4881 XZ Zundert The Netherlands +31 (0)76-599 599 5

E-mail:[email protected]

Web Site:www.bits2power.com