LED Lighting, Inc. provides Versa Bars, T-8 Lamps, and tape light for hand-blown architectural lighting

April 21, 2011
Date Announced: 21 Apr 2011 We are pleased to showcase some original architectural lighting by Strini Art Glass and Custom Lighting. Seeking the most environmentally friendly solutions without compromising the quality of light, LED Lighting, Inc. and Strini Art Glass are committed to energy efficiency and sustainability, using 100% recycled glass and providing a full range of options incorporating TITLE 24, CFL's, and LED's.This glass ceiling is illuminated with LED lights. Behind Rick Strini's hand blown glass designs he uses our LED Tape LightT300WW (Warm White) tape, and our LED Lighting Inc. T-8 Lamp and our LED Lighting Inc. Versa Bars. The dimensions for this piece are 8' x 6' x 14".

Bill Hood Ken Petchetnik Kathy Hays LED Lighting, Inc. 3575 Commercial Ave. Northbrook, IL 60062 847.412.4880

E-mail:[email protected]

Web Site:www.ledlightinginc.com