European LED lighting collaboration project aims to evaluate and encourage LED lighting usage and research

July 11, 2011
Date Announced: 11 Jul 2011 A group of 30 European companies, academic institutions and research centers have formed a program aimed at exploiting the full potential of LED-based lighting through innovations in integrated lighting solutions beyond retrofit applications. The project, dubbed Enlight, is a three-year program partially funded by the European Commission and European member-states. Participants hope to reduce energy consumption by an additional 40% compared to today's LED standards. Another target of the project is to develop more efficient and compact drivers, electronics and controls, which will in turn lead to more-optimized LED modules overall. In addition, Enlight will focus on optimizing intelligent lighting systems, investigate new applications and evaluate market uptake.+++ Press Release +++-- European collaboration project to develop technology breakthroughs for integrated and intelligent LED lighting solutions Eindhoven, Netherlands –- A group of 30 leading European companies and academic institutions today announced that they are working together in the newly established ENIAC JU project “ENLIGHT”, a three-year program which is partly funded by the European Commission and European member-states. Partners include companies throughout the lighting value chain, including universities and research centers (see list below).The ENLIGHT project aims to exploit the full potential of LED-based lighting through breakthrough innovations in integrated lighting solutions beyond retrofit applications. This includes intelligent lighting systems. The aim is to further reduce energy consumption by up to an additional 40% compared to today’s LED systems. One of the targets of the ENLIGHT project is to develop more compact and efficient lighting electronics, drivers and controls, which together will lead to optimized LED modules. In addition, developments will be aimed at maximizing the impact of LED by improving its energy efficiency and lowering the system costs involved. Finally, ENLIGHT will optimize intelligent systems, which, in combination with advanced sensors and controls, will fuel new applications, solutions and market uptake. Targeted breakthroughsThe future of both domestic and professional lighting lies in leveraging the intrinsic benefits of LED technology. This will lead to new lighting solutions which are not possible with conventional lighting technology. By building on Europe’s leadership in semiconductor and lighting technology, ENLIGHT will further help to shape the lighting market in the years ahead. PartnershipPartners include companies representing all aspects of the lighting value chain. The consortium is well balanced, including two of the largest lighting industry players, prominent EU knowledge institutions, semiconductor manufacturers, a utility company and innovative medium-sized and small enterprises.ENIAC JUThe ENIAC Joint Undertaking (JU) is a public-private partnership focusing on nanoelectronics, which brings together ENIAC Member/Associated States, the European Commission, and AENEAS (an association representing European R&D actors in this field). ENLIGHT Consortium Advanced Research Technology Group srl, Italy Applied Micro Electronics "AME" BV, Netherlands Besi Semiconductor Industries N.V., Netherlands BJB GmbH & Co. KG, Germany Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique - Leti, France Eagle Vision Systems bv, Netherlands Enel Distribuzione S.p.A., Italy Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Germany, with its institutes ENAS, IIS/EAS and IZM Helvar, Finland Infineon Technologies AG, Germany I-NRG B.V., Netherlands Insta Elektro GmbH, Germany Legrand, France NXP Semiconductors GA GmbH, Germany NXP Semiconductors France Osram GmbH, Germany Philips Electronics Nederland B.V. Philips Lighting B.V., Netherlands PKC Electronics Oy, Finland Plugwise B.V., Netherlands Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule, Germany Rockwool France SAS – Rockfon ThereCorporation, Finland TNO Science and Industry, Netherlands University of Perugia, Italy University of Technology Delft, Netherlands University of Technology Eindhoven, Netherlands Uppsala University, Sweden Valopaa Ltd., Finland VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Jeannet Harpe, on behalf of the consortium Philips Lighting Phone: +31 40 27 56299

E-mail:[email protected]
