Date Announced: 30 Jun 2011 Upper Lake, CA (USA) – June 29, 2011 -- ElectroniCast Consultants, a leading market & technology forecast consultancy, today announced their 5-year market forecast of the European consumption of light emitting diode (LED) lamps in solid-state lighting (SSL) General Lighting applications. According to the ElectroniCast study – In 2011, the Parabolic Aluminized Reflector (PAR) LED lamps and General service/Decorative consumer-level bulbs (lamps), are co-leaders of the relative market share of LED-based lamps consumed in Europe. The third-place position is held be Multifaceted reflector (MR) Compatible lamps, followed by street lighting and finally the linear/tube lamp product category. This market forecast of European consumption is also segmented by three major end-user categories: Government, Commercial/Industrial and Residential/Non-Specific. “The Commercial/Industrial user category is forecast to lead in terms of market share during the 2010-2015 timeline; however, both the Government and the Residential/Non-Specific sectors are forecast for faster annual growth,” said Stephen Montgomery, president – International Business at ElectroniCast Consultants. ElectroniCast forecasts that Western Europe will maintain the leadership role in relative market share throughout the forecast period (2010-2015). The consumption value of LED lamps, which are used in SSL General Lighting, in Western Europe reached nearly 46% percent market share in 2010. LED consumption (value) in Western Europe is forecast to increase at an average annual growth rate of 34.5 percent (2010-2015). “We forecast that LED Lamp consumption in SSL general lighting in Northern Europe will increase at a slightly faster pace (36%) versus Western Europe. Both Southern Europe and Eastern Europe are forecast to trail the market leaders; however, Eastern Europe is forecast to grow more than twice as fast as Southern region, pushed along by aggressive projected take-rates, especially in Russia,” Montgomery added.This 593-page market forecast report is available immediately from ElectroniCast Consultants (fee $4,200)
Hans van der Tang Director Sales & Marketing APAC ElectroniCast Consultants Fax - +81-3-4496-6163 Cell Phone: (+81) 070-6510-6929
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