Date Announced: 28 Jun 2011 London, Ontario – The way we light our world has been revolutionized by two industry leaders, Ecopower Inc. and Stein Industries Inc., who have partnered to create the EcoStein™ LED Lighting System. Their first installation, which was completed April 2011 at the Covent Garden Market, London, Ontario, has shown a massive 84% reduction in lighting energy consumption, plus lower air conditioning costs as the LED lighting produces less than half the amount of heat than HID and fluorescent lighting.Tenants selling fruit and vegetables have said their spoilage is down because the new LED Lighting System does not emit UV light spectrums. “The office lighting is so quiet, it’s eerie, and there are no more complaints of headaches caused by the fluorescent lighting,” said Bob Usher, Covent Garden’s General Manager. The EcoStein LED Lighting System replaced four hundred watt and one thousand watt metal halides and eight-foot fluorescents with the world’s first one hundred fifty watt and four hundred fifty watt LED HighBay and SuperHighBay fixtures, eight-foot LED Linears and two-foot by two-foot LED flat panels – engineered and manufactured in London, Ontario. “These 100,000 hour fixtures will provide more than a decade of maintenance-free operation,” said Brian Webber, President of Ecopower. “Maintenance costs in excess of nine thousand dollars a year and recycling costs associated with mercury-based lighting are eliminated.” Integrating the new reversed-engineered fixtures with wireless controls and the custom iPad application developed by Ecopower and Stein Industries, the new LED Lighting System can wirelessly control thousands of fixtures in multiple zones, allowing the system to harvest daylight by dimming the lights when the sun shines, schedule dimming, and react to occupancy of an area by raising and lowering the lighting. “Lighting accounts for 22% of a facilities’ energy consumption so everyone is looking for lighting replacements that are more efficient. The Canadian government is working to eliminate inefficient energies and remove incandescent lighting,” said Dan Steinhaur, President Stein Industries. “The EcoStein LED Lighting System drastically reduces energy consumption and allows facilities to completely automate their lighting systems.”The Ecopower/Stein partnership is pioneering the development and deployment of innovative LED lighting and control solutions for industrial, commercial, institutional, and government applications. Their expertise in LED Lighting HighBays, SuperHighBays, panels, linears, wireless modules, and drivers are delivered by a full staff of professional engineers, electrical technologists, electronics technologists, developers, technicians, and project managers serving North America with “Made in Canada” technology. For more information visit or –30–Contact: Brian T. Webber, President, Ecopower, 1.800.564.8086 x704 or 519 872 5826 [email protected] www.ecopower.netPrepared By: Susan Regier, Vantage One Writing 519.471.8726 [email protected] Ecopower Inc. manufactures HID (High Intensity Discharge) lighting control systems and currently has five hundred systems across North America saving their clients $4.2 million in energy costs. Their successes include installations in U.S. Defence Department facilities, Canadian Forces Bases, Tier One automotive facilities, major industrial and commercial clients, hundreds of arenas, commercial, and retail facilities. Stein Industries Inc. is an engineering firm specializing in electrical apparatus providing specialized custom three-phase power transformers, electrostatic precipitator power supplies for utilities and heavy industrial clients, and television broadcast transmitter power supplies. Stein is active in developing technology that serves the wind energy sector, BioMass generation and LED Lighting Fixtures and Controls.
Brian T. Webber, President, Ecopower, 1.800.564.8086 x704 or 519 872 5826
E-mail:[email protected]