Pro-Lite announces USB2000+IRRAD spectroradiometer

Jan. 6, 2011
Date Announced: 06 Jan 2011 The USB2000+IRRAD is Pro-Lite's modular spectroradiometer system based upon the Ocean Optics USB2000+ spectrometer. This system has the flexibility to measure spectral radiant flux, intensity & irradiance as well as derived photometric (illuminance, luminous intensity) & colorimetric (chromaticity, colour temperature & colour rendering) properties. Using interchangeable collection optics & integrating spheres, you can configure - and reconfigure - your light measurement system for measuring solar irradiance as well as the output of lamps, LEDs, optical fibres, lasers - in fact almost any type of light source.The USB2000+ CCD spectrometer provides for high speed spectral measurements in the wavelength range from 350-1000nm and is specially configured for photometric and colorimetric measurements of light sources. The USB2000+IRRAD spectroradiometer can be user configured and reconfigured for measuring spectral irradiance (W/m2.nm), spectral radiant intensity (W/sr.nm) and spectral radiant flux (W/nm) in the 350-1000nm spectral region. To convert from one measurement geometry to another, just select the appropriate collection optics. For irradiance and intensity, you attach a cosine receiver (often called a diffuser) to the input of the optical fibre, while for total flux you simply unscrew the cosine receiver and attach the fibre to one of our integrating spheres. The diffuser option provides a cosine corrected collection of light over a complete hemisphere for accurate irradiance measurements, while an integrating sphere captures the total light emitted from a lamp or LED.

Pro-Lite Technology Ltd Innovation Centre University Way Cranfield, MK43 0BT, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1234 436110

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