Date Announced: 12 Jan 2011 RentAlite’s Premium Power LED, which is specially designed for parking garages, airports and stations, can take advantage of the EPAct tax incentives. EPAct provides an immediate tax deduction from up to $ 60 cents per square foot on the Premium Power LED lighting. In many cases the total investment plus the installation will be eligible for a 100% tax deduction. To obtain a maximum tax deduction of 60 cents per square foot the wattage must be under 0.18 W/sq.ft. To document the lighting electricity reduction and meet the EPAct requirements, the lighting project must have a spreadsheet to demonstrate that the project meets the EPAct watts-per-square-foot thresholds and meets seven other procedural requirements.Many parking garages still have mainstream prior generation energy inefficient metal halide and T-12 lighting. As of January 2009, metal halides are illegal to manufacture and from of July 2010 T-12 magnetic ballasts are illegal to manufacture. In addition from of 2012 nearly all T-12 lamps will become illegal to use. The Fluorescent tubes as we know them will disappear in the coming years, as will the traditional candescent lamps. These lamps contain phosphor, mercury, lead and gasses that are harmful for the environment.The Premium Power LED from RentAlite, specially designed for parking garages, in combination with the EPAct tax deduction are resulting in compelling economic paybacks, less than two years. As a result, it is easier for facility executives to win funding for energy-efficient lighting investments.
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