Date Announced: 03 Jan 2011 Tempe, AZ, USA – Avi-Tech Verde Inc. (“ATVI”) today announces that it is penetrating into the business of providing Light Emitting Diode (“LED”) and high brightness LED (“HBLED”) lighting products and systems for the Solid State Lighting (“SSL”) market. Leading AVTI into this market is former Managing Member of Verde Designs, LLC (“Verde Designs”), Mr. James Rhodes.ATVI is a subsidiary of Singapore-incorporated Avi-Tech Electronics Limited (“Avi-Tech”). Avi-Tech is listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”) and is a leading one-stop total Burn-In solutions provider to the semiconductor industry as well as an Electronics Manufacturing Services provider, with years of experience working in partnership with Original Equipment Manufacturers, in the medical and semiconductor industries.“ATVI’s plan is to become a leading provider of innovative LED and HBLED lighting products and systems for the SSL market. Avi-Tech has ventured into the energy efficient and renewable energy market and has been working on several prototypes of LED products. We see the tremendous potential in this market, with total worldwide market for HBLEDs forecast to grow from US$5 billion in 2008 to approximately US$20 billion in 2014*, and believe that Avi-Tech’s activities in this area will be given a substantial boost by leveraging on the expertise and industry knowledge of Verde Designs, with the appointment of Mr. Rhodes as AVTI’s new CEO. ATVI will develop, supply and manufacture high quality and performance LED drivers under the current “Verde Designs” brand.” said Mr. EH Lim, CEO of Avi-Tech.“I am very excited and look forward to taking on this task as CEO of AVTI and plan to lead AVTI in the development of new and innovative products for the LED/HBLED lighting market as well as expand and market our technologies and products into the rapidly growing SSL marketplace.” said Mr. Rhodes.*Information obtained from LEDs Magazine, part of PennWell's Technology Group, Nashua, NH. We have not conducted an independent review of this information nor verified the accuracy of the contents of the relevant information.
Mr James Rhodes (480) 993-7972 x363 Avi-Tech Verde Angelina Pereira 29 Communications Tel: +65 9191 4756 Fax: +65 6728 6029 [email protected]
E-mail:[email protected]