Energy saving lights from Vision Quest LED reward businesses who are energy conscious

Aug. 13, 2011
Date Announced: 13 Aug 2011 San Juan, Puerto Rico – Vision Quest LED, LLC is excited to announce their pivotal role in saving Businesses hundreds of thousands in annual revenue spent on electricity to operate the lighting used every day to conduct business. Whether it’s lighting a parking lot for customer safety or providing their own lighting for in house security cameras, Vision Quest has been able to deliver an extraordinary LED Light that simply replaces current lamps & ballasts saving clients a huge amount of money.We are fortunate to be a Leading Distributor of Global Tech LED lighting products. Thanks to their own commitment of modern technology, we are able to demonstrate their product and show our client just how easy saving money really is.For instance, we show them the output level of a 54 watt LED light that actually enables you to see more and are comparable to a 150 watt MH (Metal Halide) Lamp. We do the same thing with a 98 watt LED light and this can easily replace up to a 400 watt MH Lamp. You start to see something here right?Conventional lights run very hot because of the physical make up of Metal Halide Lamps. There are toxic materials used to make these lamps such as Lead, Mercury and other gases and create ultra violet rays.Because of our current knowledge with global warming effects, regulations are being implemented and it is not only getting harder to dispose of these lamps, but also costing more as a result.If you are a business owner then we need not remind you of your annual expense in maintaining these conventional lights. These particular LED Lights will last you 100,000 Hours.. that is not a type “O” this means if your lights operate 12 Hrs each night (most do) then you can easily expect no maintenance for 20/30 years!R.O.I. (Return on Investment) calculations are averaging 3 to 4 years and as soon as they are installed you are saving money. It is nothing shy of a miracle in today’s crazy energy consumption. This is what our friend Gary had to say; “Replacing good fixtures with new ones is wasteful, and increases the payback exponentially,” explained Gary Mart, Managing Partner for Global Tech LED. Mart continued, “By converting existing fixtures to LED technology the payback period is much shorter.”This retro-fit light is being used in a number of applications. Predominately in roadway lighting, the Cobra Head style lights found in 90% of communities are cutting energy costs by 70% all over the Globe.What is extraordinary is the fact that this light is so versatile it is being used just about anywhere you can imagine. Global Tech manufacturing facility custom makes mounting plates for this light and they can match or improve any number of applications to enhance your existing fixture.We’ve witnessed it in projects like; Post-top Lights, Warehouse lights, High Bay Fixtures, Wall Packs, Street Lights, Gymnasiums, Recreational Parks, Sports Complex Stadium Lights and really Anytown USA and abroad!In today’s economy it only makes good sense to start slashing your energy bill to allow you income for other important issues. You are always going to have an energy bill, but now you can determine how much you will pay.About Vision Quest LED, LLCWe are a World-Class leader and innovator in the Distribution and Marketing of light emitting diodes (LED). Thanks to our exclusive relationship with Philip Lumileds Lighting (who produce billions of LEDs annually) and Global Tech LED L.L.C. Our goal is and always will be to make available to you, the latest in Cutting Edge Technology. We don’t just sell it.. we have over 30 years in the Electrical Industry. We know and understand this product and that’s why our commitment to you is unwavering. Contact us and you’ll also learn why this is state of the art technology, and currently is moving at the speed of light!.. designed and manufactured in the U.S.A.

Vision Quest LED, LLC Offices in Florida and Puerto Rico P – 877.863.3729

E-mail:[email protected]
