Alpha-One produces LED PCB for IR illuminator

March 25, 2011
Date Announced: 25 Mar 2011 IR illuminator is indispensable for the light source of surveillance cameras used for various kinds of security system, and nowadays, a long distance usage is strongly required. Alpha-One can help you to develop the suitable high performance IR illuminators by supplying the PCB assembly unit with high power LED namely AOP1-8505P3, which is the reflective mirror type LED originally developed with the unique structure.The IR illuminators with AOP1-8505P3 can realize a long distance illumination. The secret of such a long distance radiation is its unique structure of AOP1-8505P3. A larger size LED die (500x500um) is installed in an existing reflective mirror type package (5.8x6.0mm) with the special lead-frame. One of the feature is high radiant intensity with lower forward current; typ. 340mW/sr at IF=100mA. On the other hand, due to its structure, the operation with extremely high pulse forward current up to 2A can be applied. For instance, in case to install approx. 220pcs of AOP1-8505P3 on PCB, its radiation would achieve at least 35,000uW/cm2 at 5M distance. (IFP=2A, PW<=0.55ms, duty=1/60)In addition, the output power would increase linearly according to the pulse forward current up to 2A.Those LED assembly unit can be used for the other different applications such as the medical analyzer and optical data transmission other than the surveillance system.Alpha-One offers from the circuit design to the board assembly according to each customer's requirement.In addition, Alpha-One is prepared to provide you with AOP1-8505P3 only if you would like.Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

ALPHA-ONE ELECTRONICS LTD. 2-8-41 Chuoh, Ebina-City, Kanagawa-Pref. 243-0432 Japan Fax: 81+46-292-7113

E-mail:[email protected]
