Silvermere Lighting supplies LED lamps to Saint Paul 1st National Bank building

April 27, 2013
Date Announced: 27 Apr 2013 SAINT PAUL, MN – The 1st National Bank Building is an icon of the downtown Saint Paul skyline. The 50ft glowing red neon “1st” sign on its 32-story high rooftop is visible for miles and can be used to navigate the city. Managers of this historic building endeavor to maintain its historic appearance, while also adding value by improving energy efficiencies and reducing operating costs. Since the construction of the building in 1931, the first floor lobby and hallway areas have featured 2,200 light bulbs lining the walls and accentuating the bronze & marble architecture. The original light bulbs were incandescent, later replaced by 3 watt cold cathode fluorescents (CCFL), and the current building management was interested to consider 1 watt LED bulbs in order to further reduce energy use, maintenance and environmental impact. The challenge was to identify an LED bulb with the right shape and color of light to mimic incandescence and match the architectural style. Silvermere Lighting worked closely with building management, along with LED manufacturing partners, to design an LED bulb with the right features for this unique application. After many months of trials and comparisons, the chosen bulb was a 50mm white globe with a gold frame and 1 watt LED at 2500k color temp, providing a very warm white glow that looks historic and brings out the bronze architecture. As a result of the changeover, the historical appearance is kept but the energy requirement is reduced by at least 3.5kW or 60%. The bulbs emit the desired color of light at 2500k with excellent uniformity. According to the building manager, the space even feels a little bit brighter now. Silvermere Lighting, based in Saint Paul MN, is an international supplier of industry-leading LED lighting products and is dedicated to helping commercial, industrial & municipal customers to identify lighting objectives, specify LED performance requirements, and commission LED products to suit each lighting application with maximum effectiveness and efficiency.

Ryan Heglund Director of Sales & Projects Silvermere Group - Lighting Division 612 599 0246

E-mail:[email protected]
