Premium Lighting Solutions launches shared saving scheme for businesses to invest in energy-efficient lighting

July 17, 2013
Date Announced: 17 Jul 2013 Premium Lighting Solutions (PLS), a manufacturer and supplier of leading lighting technologies into commercial, public and industrial buildings, has launched its new Shared Saving Scheme; a new financing model designed to make it easier for businesses to invest in energy efficient lighting. The model - which is the first of its kind to be offered by a lighting manufacturer – means that the cost of the lighting is entirely financed by energy savings made.Under the scheme, PLS installs energy efficient lighting tailored to the customer’s specific needs. Energy usage from the PLS installation is compared with that of the customer’s original lighting and the customer pays for the new system from the monthly savings generated. Depending on the scale and type of project, a payment level and term is agreed upon with the customer, but the payment is always linked to their energy savings. No additional, up-front investment is required.The proposal is written into a Service Level Agreement which also covers maintenance of the lighting for its expected lifespan. Through data logging, customers can track the energy used in real-time and compare it with previous levels, therefore accurately monitoring the savings that are being made and verifying the payment plan.Keith Wyatt, commercial director, comments: “If a customer’s existing lighting system was costing £100 per month in energy bills, but the new efficient system is only costing £70 per month, the customer pays for the new system out of the resulting £30 monthly savings. We are so confident that our technology will generate energy savings that if the customer doesn’t save any energy, they don’t pay. “Our hope is that this model will help to eliminate out-dated and often mis-informed attitudes to energy efficient lighting including the ideas that energy savings will not match the investment required and that such solutions are ‘too good to be true.”

Premium Lighting Solutions (PLS) UK: +44-(0)1209-31108

E-mail:[email protected]
