Grah Lighting supplies Slovenian municipality with adaptive streetlighting

Oct. 17, 2013
Date Announced: 17 Oct 2013 Adaptive street "lighting on demand"Municipality Slovenske Konjice and leading manufacturer of street LED lighting Grah Lighting have performed a unique project in the municipality - "lighting on demand". This kind of public lighting automatically adjusts to the current traffic conditions.The idea behind it is how to lower expenses for public lighting energy costs in the most efficient way and yet improve road safety. It is the use of technology that allows pedestrians themselves to control public lighting, which otherwise operates at half power. The system gives the opportunity to the pedestrian to increase the luminary efficiency to 100% by pressing the button on the luminary pole. Luminaries return after 15 minutes to the original, 50 percent power performance and thereby save energy and reduce light pollution, which is especially important in the suburban environment.For additional pedestrian safety, the system is equipped with a selective sensor technology that distinguishes between vehicles and pedestrians approaching and raises the level of illumination to 100 percent, as at manual activation. The entire system is controlled by the central processing unit, which can be operated over GSM/GPRS network with multiple functions such as setting the illumination level, step level illumination delay of serial luminaries, and setup activation over detectors or other devices.14 luminaries with built-in system are installed in Škalce, with project investment of €12,000. Investors are municipality and local community Slovenske Konjice. This project, which is entirely the result of participation of Slovenian companies, sets a new example of good practice in managing public lighting, how to follow the latest trends in technological development, and innovation of the local and wider Slovenian enterprise.GRAH® LED LIGHTINGGrah Lighting has combined its 15 years of LED technology expertise in automotive industry, overall know-how from street lighting science with its own integrated 360° approachTM to develop one of the most advanced LED street and commercial lights, which is breaking all records in quality, illumination and energy efficiency worldwide. Grah Lighting was established as a fully specialized division for the LED street and industrial light program of the company SG Automotive d.o.o., which is a trusted partner and supplier for leading car manufacturers.

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