Osram Sylvania surveys finds that 65% of Americans plan a switch to energy-efficient lighting, but ~60% unaware of 60W/40W incandescent phase-out

Dec. 24, 2013
Date Announced: 24 Dec 2013 6th Annual "SYLVANIA Socket Survey" Finds That Almost Two-Thirds Of Americans Plan To Switch To Energy-Efficient Lighting As A Result Of LegislationYet Just 4 in 10 Consumers Are Aware Of January Phase Out Of 60 And 40-Watt BulbsDANVERS, Mass. -- Released on Dec. 19, the sixth annual SYLVANIA Socket Survey from North American lighting leader OSRAM SYLVANIA finds that 65 percent of Americans plan to switch to more energy-efficient lighting technologies, as a result of federally mandated legislation that is increasing efficiency standards. Yet, 30 percent of consumers say that they plan to buy a lot of less efficient traditional incandescent light bulbs where still available and will continue using them.This industry-benchmark survey, which is the only nationwide measure of public attitudes about energy-efficient lighting and awareness of lighting legislation, shows that 64 percent of those polled are generally aware of the phase out of incandescent light bulbs, which is up from 52 percent last year and is a drastic increase from just 21 percent in 2008. While these findings show an increase in consumer awareness of the initial legislation, nearly 60 percent of Americans are still unaware that 60 and 40-watt incandescent bulbs will be phased out starting in January of 2014. These bulb wattages will join the 100-watt and the 75-watt, which were phased out in 2012 and 2013 respectively. "OSRAM has invested heavily in providing American consumers the latest in lighting technologies, and we are pleased to be able to offer a variety of quality replacement bulbs that will satisfy our customers' current and future needs," said Jes Munk Hansen, President and CEO, OSRAM SYLVANIA. "We are committed to bringing innovative products to market, providing consumers with choices, and leading the industry in a time of transition from analog to digital."When asking about switching to more efficient lighting technologies, 46 percent of consumers polled plan to switch to CFLs, 24 percent will opt for LEDs, and 13 percent say that they will choose halogen. Additionally, consumers uniformly agree on what is important when making their lighting choices. Respondents say that brightness (92%), followed by lifespan (87%) and then energy usage (82%) and price (82%) are of the highest importance when choosing which bulb to buy.Constantly focused on delivering products that meet consumer preference and demand, OSRAM SYLVANIA offers a variety of lighting technologies that meet legislative standards. The company's ULTRA LED A-Line series of bulbs are true replacements for 40, 60, 75 100-watt bulbs and offer up to 80 percent energy savings compared to traditional incandescents. Additionally, the SYLVANIA Micro Mini CFLs can be used as incandescent replacements, saving up to 75 percent energy while halogen technology, available in traditional classic shapes and can save up to 28 percent energy compared to incandescent bulbs.Questions on the topic of smart lighting were new to the Socket Survey this year in an effort to understand current general consumer awareness with the intent of tracking future anticipated growth trends in this area of the industry.Additional findings of the 2013 SYLVANIA Socket Survey include:Consumer Habits and TrendsWhile 30 percent of respondents report owning LEDs, only 11 percent own stand-alone LEDs in sockets. Others use LEDs in holiday lights (55%) and in electronics (40%).Of the new lighting technologies, respondents were most likely to have heard of halogen bulbs (84%), followed by LEDs (72%), and then CFLs (64%).72 percent of respondents said it was important that their bulbs be made in America.The top sources of information on lighting for consumers are in-store displays or employees (53%); friends and family (37%); and then consumer reviews (36%).Phase-Out Feelings and New Technology AdoptionMore than half (59%) of consumers are excited about the phase out, as it will help Americans use more energy-efficient light bulbs.Millennials tend to be less aware of the phase-out. Only 38 percent of millennials know about the phase-out in general, while 68 percent of those aged 35-54 and 71 percent of those over the age of 55 are aware of the legislation.While almost 9 in 10 consumers have heard of some form of new, energy-efficient lighting technology, only 65 percent plan to switch to these bulbs as a result of the phase out.Half of consumers are aware of smart lighting options, but only 1 in 10 consumers are interested in purchasing a smart lighting system to control home lighting remotely.Survey MethodologyThe survey was conducted over a 10-day period in the United States in November 2013. Three hundred interviews were conducted via landlines and cell phones.About OSRAM SYLVANIAOSRAM SYLVANIA is a leader in lighting solutions and services, specializing in innovative design and energy saving technology. The company sells products for homes, businesses and vehicles primarily under the SYLVANIA brand name, and also under the OSRAM brand. Headquartered in Danvers, Mass., OSRAM SYLVANIA is the North American operation of OSRAM GmbH, a subsidiary of OSRAM Licht AG. For more information, visit www.sylvania.com or follow us on Facebook and Twitter . OSRAM is a registered trademark of OSRAM GmbH.SYLVANIA is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc.All other trademarks are those of their respective owners.

Anne Guertin, OSRAM SYLVANIA +1-978-750-2225

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