Dilitronics supplies energy-efficient LED lighting concept for Brillux to overhaul halogen system

Nov. 22, 2013
Date Announced: 22 Nov 2013 The Jena LED light specialist dilitronics (http://www.dilitronics.com) has brought new gleaming rays of light to the canteen of the paint and color production company Brillux: not with colors, but with a sophisticated light installation which not only takes into account the varied operation hours but also the different function areas. Over 75% in energy savings is possible with the lighting set called Array MX from dilitronics. This new lighting system also enhances the atmosphere of a room: the employees of the Brillux company can now enjoy a lighting atmosphere which exudes coziness and well-being.The newest LED lighting technology is unbeatable when it comes to energy-saving lighting: a long lifespan, a low level of heat radiation and an even distribution of light are only some of the truly convincing factors in this regard. These benefits were also the main reasons for the Brillux company’s lighting choice. The paint and color producer has immediately switched to this sophisticated lighting set Array MX designed by the Jena LED specialist dilitronics due to its impressive ability to save energy while being functional at the same time.Quick installation, invisible technologyThe merely two-year-old halogen lighting system has been completely replaced: together with the lighting planner Ludewig Lichtkonzepte (in Münster, Germany), dilitronics developed a light-steering system for 50 light canopies with 300 downlights and surrounding LEDs. Due to the unostentatious design and the hidden technical components, the resulting light installation represents architectural demands of the highest degree. Lighting products, drivers and power supply all come from dilitronics and can be quickly and easily installed in the already-existing halogen installation. The amount of maintenance is minimal. Regarding the color temperature, there is practically no difference to that of the halogen lighting. The heat generation is however less.The advantages of the innovative LED lighting system are very obvious. The comprehensive lighting installation system guarantees an immediate energy savings of more than 75%. Additional reductions are possible through light dimming. The typical low-level of heat generation enables a lower level of necessary cooling – this saves even more energy. The lower amount of radiation heat has also been praised by Brillux company employees. Thanks to the LED lighting system, they can from now on dine in a room bathed in atmosphere of well-being and coziness. Aside from the energy efficiency factor, its variability is what makes this type of lighting so special: different lighting scenarios can be preset depending on the various times of day and the special functions of the area. The 300 light points can be triggered very easily via the LED-driver driveDOT4 from dilitronics. The indirect lighting via LED line lights is operated by the driveDOT CV4 lite driver.An infinitely variable dimming possibility via the Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) is also available. This aspect makes sense especially for the individual lighting wishes during the various working hours, and in the different work areas. For example, the company with a multi-shift operation can light up only the drink- and vending machines for the 2nd and 3rd shifts, while the restaurant area ‘sleeps’ in a very strongly dimmed light. A deciding factor for the choice of the Array MX from dilitronics was also the possibility to control 4 channels with only one virtual DALI appliance (VDG), and thus being able to integrate 4 x 64 = 256 light points simultaneously. Thanks to the intelligent LED control capability in connection with a high level of energy efficiency and a pleasant room atmosphere, dilitronics is able to provide a fully new light to the canteen rooms of this traditional German company – this time without the use of color.The printable, free-of-charge photos you can find under: http://www.dilitronics.com/aktuelles/presse/pressemitteilungen-2013/pm-brillux/Beaming with new light as well is the dilitronics company website. One can find current news information as well as press releases and photo material and a comprehensive product portfolio on www.dilitronics.com. About dilitronics:dilitronics GmbH was founded in Jena in the spring of 2008. As a technology leader in the field of driver electronics for high brightness LEDs, dilitronics GmbH develops control solutions for innovative LED applications. dilitronics products are used outdoors for street illumination as well as indoors, e.g. in hotels, offices, shopping centres or factory buildings for energy-efficient illumination. The LED solutions by dilitronics can also be found in the automotive industry. Further information at: www.dilitronics.com

dilitronics GmbH, Stefanie Georgi +49 3641-875757-1

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Web Site:www.dilitronics.com