Charles Street - Glasgow - Rooftop LED Installation

Jan. 14, 2013
We at AFM Electrical LTD had the pleasure of Installing rooftop LED feature lighting on 5No tower blocks at Charles Street - Royston - Glasgow.

The preferred LED for this installation was manufactured by Robus using their external IP65 RGB range. The LED was installed on cables trays following the perimeter of the roof and illuminating to great affect these prominent rooftops which are now highly visible from the main M8 motorway at Springburn.

The LED systems on each roof are individually controlled by the Nicolaudie - Sunlite touch sensitive intelligent control keypad and visio power commanders. Using these two products we were able write detailed colour changing programmes to meet with clients requests.


Andrew Gibb

AFM Electrical LTD
2 Angle Street

Tel: 07851319783