Para Light offers in-ground lighting modules

April 18, 2005
Date Announced: 18 Apr 2005 Para Light Corp., a world leader in providing light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to electronics OEMs, has added a new family of in-ground lighting modules featuring enhanced-power LEDs: the LLEA-0001 series. Designed for a host of applications – such as landscaping, architectural and swimming pool lighting – LLEA-0001 series modules are waterproof, lightweight and easy to install. The new in-ground lighting modules each include 20 long-lasting, energy-efficient 150-milliamps E-power LEDs with an integrated heat-sink design and a total flux of 100 lumens. The series has 32 different models, available in amber, red, green, blue and blue-green, as well as an RGB (red, green, blue) version with color-changing capability, and with 10-, 20-, 30-, 60- and 100-degree viewing angles.Para Light LLEA-0001 series lighting modules are available now, with prices starting at $100. Delivery is 6 weeks.

Para Light Corp. 515 Spanish Lane, Walnut, Calif., 91789 Telephone 909-468-4866 or, toll free, 877-377-7272 Fax 909-468-4876

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