Date Announced: 21 Apr 2005 CAO Group, Inc, a full-service LEDs manufacturer and solid-state lighting solutions provider, market leader in forensic lighting, is pleased to announce the release of Pixel and Piranha Luxem™CHANNEL channel lettering illumination systems. By providing huge energy and maintenance cost savings, LEDs are quickly becoming the illumination source of choice for channel lettering, backlighting, halo, cone and other signage applications. The CAO Group LuxemCHANNEL channel lettering lighting system provides energy savings up to 80% of neon, excellent color uniformity, high brightness and low maintenance even in extreme temperatures, among other advantages.LuxemCHANNEL is available White, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue in both Pixel and Piranha style. The Pixel style contains 3 modules per foot, 2 pixels per module, and 5 LEDs (3500 mcd each) per pixel with voltage consumption of less than 2.6 watts per foot. Piranha style contains 3 modules per foot containing 2 LEDs (980-1300mcd each), consuming less than 1.6 watts per foot for deep energy savings. Each style has a flexible mounting system, which allows use in standard, reverse or edge channel lettering. LEDs in the LuxemCHANNEL are perfectly suited for adverse weather conditions, environments with electrical and mechanical shock, and vibration. With an average life span of over 50,000 hours (6 years), LuxemCHANNEL LEDs operate maintenance-free year after year. High color efficiency and lumen efficacy results in brilliant and vivid illumination making LUXEMChannel an intelligent and cost-effective solution for any signing applications.CAO Group, Inc. specializes in optoelectronic and electronic devices and applications with ISO 9001:2000 certified facilities in both the US and China to produce high quality, and low cost products. Company offerings include high brightness LED lamps, channel letter illumination, large screen displays, automotive lighting, and traffic signaling. In addition to a wide range of standard products, CAO Group, Inc designs products to match custom client needs with a short lead-time and at a low cost.For information on how to integrate the LuxemCHANNEL channel lettering system into your product designs or for customized turn-key solid-state lighting solutions for your company, contact Trent Lovell, National Product Manager, toll-free: 1-877-877-9778, telephone: 801-495-5526, fax: 801-256-9287, e-mail: [email protected] or mail: CAOGroup Inc., 8683 S. 700 W. Salt Lake City, UT 84070. Website:
Trent Lovell National Product Manager CAO Group, Inc. 8683 S 700 W. Sandy, UT 84070 801-495-5526 (tel) 801-256-9287 (fax) 801-647-7417 (cell)
E-mail:[email protected]
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