HelioSol releases Cerise365+GreenHouseDesigner software

June 6, 2022
Software as a Service simplifies and speeds specification of horticultural luminaire planning for greenhouse design.

Cerise365+GreenHouseDesigner™ software as a service (SaaS) allows horticultural luminaire and greenhouse manufacturers to provide their clients with quick estimates of how many luminaires they will need to achieve the client’s specified light levels from any desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone with internet access and without any prior CAD experience.

Using Cerise365+GreenHouseDesigner™, it will take only a few minutes to model a greenhouse or vertical farm, whereas it might take an in-house applications engineer an hour or more to do the same using other available software. This saves time and money for the manufacturer and, ultimately, the client.

Horticultural Lighting Design Software:

Cerise365+GreenHouseDesigner™ displays location specific photorealistic estimates of interior greenhouse and polytunnel daylighting and supplemental lighting.

Cerise365+GreenHouseDesigner™ is the only estimation tool: specifically for horticulture; displaying interior Daily Light Integral levels; providing data to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of existing and proposed lighting solutions (including energy use); store and display (privately or publicly) horticultural luminaire photometric data files provided by the manufacturer; and where available compare horticultural luminaires with respect to a lighting solution.

There are several advantages of using Cerise365+GreenHouseDesigner™ over other available software:

First and foremost, Cerise365+GreenHouseDesigner™ is explicitly designed for horticultural lighting. In the first release, the layout of tables or trays and luminaires will be done automatically, saving the designer from specifying their positions.

Second, Cerise365+GreenHouseDesigner™ can model individual trays in vertical farms. When the trays are stacked with lighting above each tray, the illumination of the trays rather than the entire room is of primary importance.

Third, an upcoming release of Cerise365+GreenHouseDesigner™ will integrate climate-based annual daylighting with supplemental electric lighting in greenhouses, enabling designers to determine the optimum design that combines both light sources.

The lighting design calculation engine in Cerise365+GreenHouseDesigner™ is a proven tool. Developed by Ian Ashdown, Cerise365 is the significantly enhanced successor to the calculation engine used in AGi32 and ElumTools.

Here is the link to begin your designs: https://www.heliosolsoft.com/greenhousedesigner/

Discount Code: 8f0965

HelioSol Software Solutions Inc. provides software and expertise to the lighting industry as real world solutions to lighting design and engineering problems. HelioSol licenses the Cerise suite of software tools worldwide through an exclusive arrangement with SunTracker Technologies Ltd. SunTracker was founded by the esteemed Ian Ashdown, Senior Scientist, to advance research and develop professional lighting design software for architecture, horticulture, entertainment and health based on over 30 years’ experience in the industry.


HelioSol Software Solutions Inc.

Victoria, BC Canada


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