Advanced Ultra-Violet Systems offers unit rental program

July 16, 2021
New 'safer environments' rental program makes high-end UV-C disinfection accessible to facilities of all sizes.

Advanced Ultraviolet Systems (AUVS), one of the nation’s leading providers of UV-C-based disinfection products used in healthcare, has introduced the “Safer Environments” Rental Program. The program makes the company’s line of disinfection systems accessible to medical and non-medical facilities of all sizes, with rental options starting as low as $109 per month.

AUVS’ products are used throughout more than 700 Hospitals and Hospital Groups and have a proven disinfection rate of up to 99.999% against infectious contaminants including C.diff, MRSA, and Norovirus, as well as COVID 19 and the new Delta variant. The product line is anchored by two germicidal enclosures, The UV Box (right) and The UV Cube (below), used to disinfect handheld devices and larger items. The enclosures are based on technology—patented by company Chief Technology Officer Dr. Wayne Clark—currently used to protect the US Pentagon from anthrax attacks and similar bio-terrorism threats.

Rounding out the product line are Rollie, a compact UV-C robot to disinfect larger surfaces in rooms, and Ray EMS, a mobile UV-C system targeting ambulance interiors. Previously the company’s products were only available for purchase.

AUVS principle and CEO, Jim Psihas explains the rental program is consistent with the company’s founding principles to bring infection prevention solutions to as many organizations as possible.

“Having spent several decades in healthcare, I was well aware of how patients suffer, and the challenges hospitals face treating infections, protecting staff and safeguarding their families,” Psihas said. “If we could help people on both the provider and patient side, we’d be doing something truly worthwhile. To have the greatest impact our systems need to reach as many people as possible. The ‘Safer Environments’ Rental Program makes that possible.”

Financial and Environmental Benefits

Working with financial partner, Avalon Leasing, AUVS has developed a program that not only puts UV-C systems in place but can reduce a facility’s expenses.

“Our UV-C products make it possible for organizations to significantly reduce their use of germicidal wipes to disinfect handheld devices. The savings realized by reducing wipe usage are actually greater than the cost of the rental units and can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month, depending on the size of the organization."

“Using very conservative formulas we can demonstrate the savings and ROI possible by simply reducing the wipes used to clean cell phones. When factoring in additional savings for disinfecting other handheld items and shared devices, including tablets and keyboards, the savings really become dramatic,” he added.

The reduction in wipes usage also has a significant environmental impact, eliminating tons of waste annually that would otherwise be headed to local landfills, according to the company.

About AUVS

AUVS is an American company with manufacturing facilities in Atlanta and Nashville.

Today, in addition to the more than 700 US Hospitals and Hospital Groups, AUVS products are used in hundreds of physician and dental offices, law enforcement and EMS environments, educational institutions, food processing sites, general industry and offices.


AUVS Vice-President Dave Rector



[email protected]

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