New date: Light + Building will be held again in its normal sequence in 2022

May 8, 2020
Messe Frankfurt has decided, jointly with its partners – ZVEI and ZVEH – and with the Trade Fair Advisory Council, to defer the eleventh Light + Building and to hold it, in accordance with its normal sequence, from 13 to 18 March 2022.

In view of the world-wide situation caused by the Corona pandemic, and the prohibitions on events and travel restrictions associated with it, Messe Frankfurt has decided, jointly with its partners – ZVEI and ZVEH – and with the Trade Fair Advisory Council, to defer the eleventh Light + Building and to hold it, in accordance with its normal sequence, from 13 to 18 March 2022.

Due to the present Corona crisis it had already not been possible to hold Light + Building 2020, originally scheduled for March, for which reason the decision was reached to postpone the world’s leading trade fair for lighting and building services technology to the later date of 27 September to 2 October 2020. Messe Frankfurt, together with its partners, then initiated appropriate measures to carry out the event postponement as well as possible. Having considered the current situation again, and ten weeks after the initial postponement, in view of the joint decision by the Federal German Government and German States that major events cannot be held in Germany until at least the end of August, no properly scheduled preparation and holding of the event can be guaranteed. When holding events of all kinds, travel conditions and regulations prohibiting assembly play a central role. It is the aim of the industry, and of business in general, to hold Light + Building, as a leading world trade fair, in conformity with its customers' expectations and in accordance with its conception and service commitment. At the moment Messe Frankfurt cannot guarantee that this aim can be assuredly achieved.

"The current regulations, combined with continued global travel restrictions and the potential threat to individual health, make it impossible to hold Light + Building in 2020", states Wolfgang Marzin. "At the same time, in the interests of exhibitors and visitors, we must avoid unnecessary costs in good time. The decision has not been easy for any of us, but now we shall be directing our energies to holding the next Light + Building in its accustomed sequence in 2022." The decision likewise affects Intersec Building. Now, as a platform for connected security technology, the format will celebrate its premiere as an integral part of Light + Building in 2022.

"Light + Building is of quite particular importance for companies engaged in lighting and building services technology – it is here that industries with the latest technologies look far into the future. However much we regret the cancellation, we are also in favour of it. Given the manifold uncertainties and challenges, it was right to make this decision now, jointly and in a dialogue between partners", is how ZVEI President Michael Ziesemer puts it.

The chairman of the ZVEI Association for Electrical Installation Systems, Daniel Hager, adds: "In the present situation we would not have been able to experience the positive, cooperative and innovative spirit which Light + Building has embodied from its very start. Everybody's mind is elsewhere and social distancing is not suitable for a trade fair. So we should all look forward: the fair will continue to exist, as a beacon for the industry and as a platform rich in the exchange of ideas. I am sure: in March 2022, with new energy, we shall have a better starting point for the fair."

Manfred Diez provides the following analysis from the perspective of the ZVEI Association for Light: "The light industry is a very innovative sector, with many new products and technologies. To show these to a broad public, Light + Building is one of our most important tools. To make sure it stays so", continues the Association's chairman, "we must all pull together."

At the same time ZVEH President Lothar Hellmann emphasised: "Over the past 20 years Light + Building has developed into 'the' information and technology platform for the industry. What makes this leading international trade fair so vital is the intensive exchange which takes place between its participants. That there is nothing to replace the personal meeting, despite all modern communication, has been a major experience during the Corona crisis. I am therefore looking forward with pleasurable anticipation to Light + Building 2022, at which climate protection, electromobility and digitalisation will provide a major focus."

Holger Heckler also had some words to say on the matter. The chairman of the VEG (German Electrical Wholesalers' Association) said: "We can perfectly understand this decision. It is really unfortunate for the electrical industry that Light + Building cannot be held in 2020 and we must manage as best we can without our most important trade fair. But health comes first."

So for 2020 the task for the whole industry is to catch our breath, to

come back all the stronger – at Light + Building 2022.

+++ Light + Building and Intersec Building will be held from 13 to 18 March 2022 in Frankfurt am Main. +++

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Background information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. With more than 2,600* employees at 30 locations, the company generates annual sales of around €733* million. We have close ties with our industry sectors and serve our customers’ business interests efficiently within the framework of our Fairs & Events, Locations and Services business fields. One of the Group’s key USPs is its closely knit global sales network, which extends throughout the world. Our comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. Headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent). For more information, please visit our website at:

* preliminary figures 2019


Dominique Ewert, Mess Frankfurt


[email protected]

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