Goodrich supplies LED lighting for Boeing 787 flight deck

March 21, 2006
A contract to supply LED flight-deck illumination for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the latest example of solid-state lighting on this new aircraft.
Boeing has selected Goodrich Corporation to supply an LED-based flight deck lighting system for the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

Cockpit illumination The flight deck lighting system consists of all task lighting, general illumination and emergency lighting on the flight deck. The LED lighting systems supplied by Goodrich are highlighted in the image at right.

Goodrich's Lighting Systems team with locations in Lippstadt, Germany and Tampa, Florida will be producing the all LED-based system.

Steve Chalmers, Vice President, General Manager of Goodrich's Lighting Systems division, said, "The flight deck lighting system contract marks the second lighting win for our team on this high profile aircraft. In 2004 we were awarded our first-ever, major Boeing application for our lighting technology -- the 787 exterior lighting, which utilizes our High Intensity Discharge (HID) technology -- the next generation in aircraft lighting. We are proud to once again be chosen to supply lighting technology for the Dreamliner."

LEDs all over

LEDs feature heavily on the new Boeing 787 aircraft. Honeywell is under contract to supply its Astreon LED exterior lights for the aircraft wingtips (see Honeywell supplies LED exterior lights for Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner).

On the interior, Germany's Diehl Luftfahrt Elektronik (DLE) is supplying LED-based lighting systems for the main cabin of the 787. The system consists of indirect ceiling wash lights, sidewall wash lights, entry lights, galley lights and accent lights based solely on LEDs (see DLE to supply Boeing with LED lights for 787).

IDD provide LED cockpit lighting

Also in the cockpit, IDD Aerospace has been selected by Korry Electronics to provide illuminated LED-based flight deck lightplates for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

IDD will design and manufacture dimmable lightplates with LED backlighting for the pilots’ main overhead panel and other aircraft control functions, totaling twenty-four panels per aircraft.

"Korry selected IDD Aerospace because of our extensive Boeing experience and our expertise with LED lighting technology," said Steve Hintzke, president of IDD. "We’re excited to be collaborating on this project.” Korry has been chosen by Boeing to be the Tier 1 supplier of integrated control panels for the 787.