Call for Papers for Indoor Lighting workshop

Nov. 12, 2007
A Call for Papers has been issued for the International Workshop and 7th Annex 45 Expert Meeting entitled "Visual Quality And Energy Efficiency In Indoor Lighting: Today For Tomorrow".

The meeting will held on March 31 to April 2, 2008 in Rome, Italy. The abstract submission deadline is November 20, 2007.

The meeting is part of Annex 45 - Energy Efficient Electric Lighting for Buildings – of ECBCS (Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems, a division of the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The objectives of the workshop are:
• Identify and accelerate the use of energy efficient high-quality lighting technologies and their integration with other building systems
• Assess and document the technical performance of existing and future lighting technologies
• Assess and document barriers preventing the adoption of energy efficient technologies and propose means to resolve these barriers

This workshop, organized in the framework of the periodical meetings of the Annex, will be an occasion for a fruitful exchange of ideas at international level, with a special focus on the Italian situation.

• energy efficiency
• visual quality
• technological news / perspectives
• integration natural and artificial lighting
• light and health
• selected case studies
• standards

Abstract submission:
Interested authors are invited to submit to the Organizing Committee ([email protected]) an electronic version of their Abstract, in English, by e-mail before 20th Nov. 2007.

The Submission should contain the title of the paper, author’s name(s) and affiliation(s), complete address (e-mail, FAX, Phone), and an abstract (200-250 words).

The authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal by 15th Dec. 2007. The final papers (4 to 6 pages) must be sent to the address above, before 28th Feb. 2008. In the Proceedings, all the papers will be in English.

Additional information will be available at the following websites:
IEA Annex 45 website