Conference Update: events for early 2006

Dec. 8, 2005
Links to the conferences mentioned below, as well as full list of conferences and exhibitions in 2006, can be found in our Events section.

LEDs in Displays

The registration deadline for "LEDs in Displays" is December 16. The event will be held at Costa Mesa Country Club, California on January 13, 2006.

Intelligent Interior Lighting

LEDs Magazine is pleased to be a Media Sponsor of Intelligent Interior Lighting which takes place on January 30-February 1, 2006 in Munich, Germany .

DOE Workshop on SSL

The preliminary agenda is now available for the US Department of Energy's workshop on Solid-State Lighting, which will be held at the Grosvenor Resort in Orlando, Florida on February 1-3, 2006.

The 2006 workshop brings together SSL experts to address the multi-disciplinary, multi-industry, science-to-market challenges facing SSL technology. Attendance is open to all companies, universities, trade associations, research institutions, and national laboratories that meet the domestic eligibility requirements in the Energy Policy Act of 1992.

Strategies in Light

The theme of next February's Strategies in Light conference is "Beyond Mobile Phones: Meeting the Challenges of a Changing LED Market." Strategies Unlimited will host its seventh annual business conference on high-brightness LEDs on February 15-17, 2006 at the Hilton San Francisco in San Francisco, California. See our news item for more information.

Phosphor Global Summit

LEDs Magazine is pleased to be a Media Sponsor of Intertech's Phosphor Global Summit 2006 which takes place on March 13-15 in San Diego, CA, USA.

Conference reporters wanted

LEDs Magazine is looking for freelance writers who would be interested in attending any of the above events and providing a detailed technical report for our publication.

Please contact the editor, Tim Whitaker, for more information.