LEDs Connected SSL & Controls - Nov 13th, 2023
News and resources on connected lighting, controls, and IoT implementation for smart spaces
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November 13, 2023

Welcome to LEDs Magazine’s Connected SSL & Controls newsletter for Nov. 13, 2023. The inherent controllability of LED devices is undisputed. However, to achieve reliable operation, lifetime claims, and energy efficiency goals, one must consider the type of controls incorporated with LED systems. This was the goal of a study conducted by a Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) team, who continued an investigation into variations in response of commercial LED streetlights to analog 0-10V control signals. The researchers found that a lack of calibration to these signals made a significant difference when combined with several light output and power modulation strategies, affecting the luminaires’ expected energy and cost savings. Still, their findings resulted in recommendations that could improve the performance of these luminaires and control systems, or prescribe alternative configurations.

Also in this issue, the L-Prize Prototype Phase winners achieved marks for advancing interoperability, sustainability, and accessibility of commercial connected lighting, while Recolight has slightly modified its approach to its previously announced lighting reuse portal. Reconditioned luminaires alongside appropriate lighting controls will undoubtedly help companies reach their carbon footprint objectives.

Please stay in touch about content we publish and to propose contributed articles.

Carrie Meadows, [email protected]

PNNL researchers have found that unexpected variations in performance with 0–10V controls connected to LED luminaire networks can result in inconsistent dimming and failure to meet proposed energy and cost savings.
DOE L-Prize organizers recognized three luminaire prototypes and three connected systems prototypes for their potential to increase usability, interoperability, sustainability, and accessibility of commercial lighting technologies.
After a name change from Circular Place to Reuse Hub, Recolight launches online marketplace to match buyers, sellers, users, and reconditioners.
A hospital in Uppsala, Sweden has installed LED-based circadian lighting in its neonatal intensive care ward, where parents and staff say the softer and controllable tones have fostered a calm environment that helps premature and full-term babies develop and recover.
The company that was once going to be the “Google” of connected lighting has been quiet in that area for several years. Until now.
Yes, it’s still in a prolonged educational phase, says Johan Lembre. But some quiet accomplishments and an upcoming rejuvenated push should help.
Could affect U.S. sites. The company’s continuing cost-cutting measures are slowly helping, but quarterly sales and income fall again.
For various reasons, from high initial costs to inadequate training and unfamiliarity with the technology, energy saving networked lighting controls (NLC) have yet to catch on in a significant way. In fact, the Department of Energy reports that less than one percent of all commercial luminaires in the US are equipped with NLCs.
Members of the Connectivity Standards Alliance establish a common credential and protocol that enhances interoperability between mobile devices and readers and unlocks greater scale of adoption.