LEDs Magazine News & Insights - Oct 11th, 2023
Industry news, commentary, research, and applications in LED and solid-state lighting technology and markets
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October 11, 2023

Welcome to LEDs Magazine’s News & Insights for Oct. 11, 2023. Let me state upfront that I am not fond of the “Tragedy Olympics,” where varying reports or events are pitted against one another to compete for which one garners the most public outrage. I imagine amongst the tragic headlines regarding conflict in the Gaza Strip, many of us have missed some news regarding a high number of migratory bird deaths centralized around the McCormick Place Lakeside Center in Chicago. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, nearly 1,000 birds were killed after colliding with the building over the course of one autumn night. Unfortunately, this happens a lot more than I ever knew due to densely constructed cityscapes with highly reflective glass facades.

I recognize that malicious acts toward humankind are harrowing, and global citizens are deeply concerned about effects on their national security and personal safety. So perhaps some might view this environmental issue as less troubling. But in a world full of things we can’t control, one thing we can do – and should be doing – is a better job of respecting the natural world and other living beings. As much as humanity has shaped a built environment structured around its own needs, in some regards we seem to have lost touch with the impacts of building structures, energy infrastructure to support them, and amenities like outdoor area and municipal lighting that have affected the behavior and survival of other species.

We can build better with materials that reduce spatial confusion and bird collisions. We can save energy with renewable solutions that are also designed to minimize wildlife collisions. We can improve our approaches to illuminating the human-centric environment so that it preserves the rest of the natural world. Everything matters. So we’ve included a focus on outdoor lighting and initiatives to minimize our impact on the environment and night skies in this issue. We’ve also included links to other related Endeavor Business Media content.

Please stay in touch about content we publish and to propose contributed articles.

Carrie Meadows, [email protected]

A trial horticultural study in the Netherlands aims to establish the best combination of light and salt levels to optimize flavor and other qualities.
Online training offers practical skills for handling workplace harassment in a constructive and safe learning environment.
A hospital in Uppsala, Sweden has installed LED-based circadian lighting in its neonatal intensive care ward, where parents and staff say the softer and controllable tones have fostered a calm environment that helps premature and full-term babies develop and recover.
Lighting scientist details the DesignLights Consortium’s recommendations for saving energy, minimizing impacts on people and nature, and preserving the night sky.
Lack of a uniform approach to measuring light at night can make it difficult to reach universal conclusions and hinder efforts to address problems on a larger scale, note paper authors.
Earlier satellite measurements of night sky brightness have failed to note the effect of blue LED spectra. But it hasn’t escaped the attention of 51,000 citizen scientists.
The Philadelphia Streetlight Improvement Project, managed by Ameresco, will replace and connect approximately 130,000 remotely controlled LED streetlights over 24 months.
With a closing date of Nov. 30, the DALI Lighting Awards 2023 will recognize the best use of DALI control applications and solutions in international lighting projects.
Some people, myself included, love autumn. For others, it’s an unwelcome prelude to harsher weather ahead. For wild creatures, it signals a perennial moment in their life cycle – a time to gather and store food or find suitable shelter before winter sets in. For birds, it’s time to migrate to wintering grounds hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles...
Four cameras with AI technology deployed on offshore wind farm off the coast of Aberdeen.