European Manufacturing of Photonic Components

Oct. 1, 2006

Report Price: $995.00
Number of Pages: 50
Publish Date: October 2006

This new report by Strategies Unlimited outlines a strategy for European companies and policy makers to make the optical component industry more competitive. Europe is poised for rapid deployment of optical fiber to homes and neighborhoods, with compounded growth expected to be over 40% per year through 2010. European equipment suppliers, such as Alcatel, as well as local suppliers of parts and labor, will be in a good position to benefit from that growth. However, the optical components market is already largely decoupled geographically from the equipment vendors and carriers. Much of the package assembly has already moved to East Asia to minimize manufacturing costs. This puts severe pressure on European manufacturers to find new ways to remain competitive and keep operations in Europe. The report reviews these two parts of the market, the deployment of services and component supply, and presents five recommendations that could improve the position of suppliers.