Brighter Lights on Global Safety: UL’s Frankfurt Lighting Laboratory now a CBTL

Oct. 20, 2017

On July 31st, UL announced that its Frankfurt Lighting laboratory has been designated as a Certification Body Test Laboratory (CBTL), which means that, along with offering testing and certifications services according to UL standards, this location can now offer testing and certifications services for lighting products according to IEC standards. Tests and certifications for the following IEC standards are now available: IEC 60598-1; IEC 60598-2-1; IEC 60598-2-2; IEC 60598-2-3; IEC 60598-2-4; IEC 60598-2-5; IEC 62031; IEC 61347-1; IEC 61347-2-13; IEC 62384. This is an important step to better serve lighting manufacturers in the DACH (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland) region.

The availability of this larger spectrum of offerings is meant first of all to simplify the certification process for lighting products by streamlining the steps required for manufacturers in the DACH region to enter various global markets. This simplification increases both financial and process efficiency for local enterprises in a competitive market landscape.

Because products will be tested directly at the Frankfurt laboratory, samples will not need to be shipped to other UL labs. Manufacturers will benefit from the guidance of a local, dedicated German-speaking team of UL experts as their products are shepherded through a single certification path. They will be able to test and certify one product not only according to UL standards (which offer access to North America), but also according to IEC standards to generate the CB test report, which is the key step to achieving any other country-specific mark.

“Germany, Austria and Switzerland are key countries for the European lighting industry. It is the preferred location for industry leaders which also means that this market is highly competitive,” said Roberto Inclinati, global commercial leader for UL’s lighting industry division.

“The Frankfurt Lab’s CBTL designation means that UL now offers more than just the option for lighting manufacturers to access the North American market – it now offers a pathway to all main markets globally. We are happy to grow here, to support our DACH region manufacturers locally and continue to develop as a vital partner for their success.”

UL will open the doors of the Frankfurt CBTL on September 7 to all manufacturers, stakeholders, associations and friends who want to spend a full day exploring UL’s testing and certification expertise in the lighting space. Learn more here.