Clarification regarding agreement between Nichia and Seoul Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

Feb. 18, 2009
Date Announced: 18 Feb 2009 As previously reported, Nichia Corporation (“Nichia”) and Seoul Semiconductor Co., Ltd (“SSC”) recently entered into a cross license agreement for their certain patents. In this connection, there have appeared some news articles reporting or implying the existence of certain cooperative arrangements between Nichia and SSC dealing with the LED market in the world. In order to avoid any misunderstanding, Nichia would like to make it very clear that there is no agreement, understanding, or arrangement whatsoever, whether express or implied, between Nichia and SSC relating to the LED market, let alone cooperative marketing arrangements of any kind for the LED. Strict compliance with laws and regulations of every relevant country is one of Nichia’s fundamental company policies. Nichia is by no means a “comrade” of SSC in any sense in any market and will continue to be a law-abiding competitor of SSC.

Public Relations, Nichia Corporation Tel:+81-884-22-2311 Fax:+81-884-23-7752

E-mail:[email protected]
