First Components offers power LED and driver combination

Feb. 6, 2007
Date Announced: 06 Feb 2007 Munich, Germany - First Components offers Edison Opto's EPLW-2E00 15-W High Power LED and Macroblock's MBI1801 LED Driver which make up an ideal combination. The MBI1801 Analog Driver is the device of choice for lighting applications in high speed photography, for traffic projects and for all applications that need a uniform non-pulsed light output. Its ±0.1% accuracy relative to the LED's supply voltage underlines its suitability for high end use. The device's Enable input can be used to enable and disable the driver within 500ns typ., supporting PWM operation at frequencies of up to 1MHz. The chip is supplied in a TO263 package and comes with an integrated over-temperature protection that alerts with an eye-catching flashing. The EPLW-2E00 15-Watt LED is ideally suited for operation with this driver device. Its forward voltage of 14.2V (for blue, white, warm white, and green) warrants efficient operation at 15Vdc. The resulting load of the LED driver is less than 1 Watt, and the low heat dissipation allows for space and energy savings. With up to 650lm, the luminous flux of this LED reaches the same order of magnitude as a 35-Watt low voltage halogen capsule's (e.g. 650lm HNST35W), enabling power savings of up to 57%. About First ComponentsFirst Components GmbH, founded in 1990, is a franchise distributor offering an extensive product range of active semiconductors, power LED’s and various components ranging from sensors, analog and digital IC’s to microcontrollers, memory circuits and ASICs. The offer is rounded off by various services that span different manufacturers and are tailored specifically to industry and trade customers, like Design-In-Solutions and other Value Added Services in areas like logistics and supply chain management.The extensive application experience and the design know-how of technical application specialists guarantee that the best possible solution will be developed and implemented for each customer.First Components is the daughter of AZEGO AG, based in Munich, one of the world’s 10 largest independent technology and logistics suppliers of the semiconductor industry, with a global distribution network of 148 employees and 17 locations.

First Components GmbH Hanno Reimann, Product Manager, LED Specialist Tel.: +49 (0)89-82 99 98-400

E-mail:[email protected]
