Lambda Research announces TracePro® 3.3.6 software

Feb. 10, 2006
Date Announced: 10 Feb 2006 Lambda Research Corporation, developer of optical software TracePro® and OSLO®, announces the latest release of its illumination design software, TracePro 3.3.6. The 3.3.6 TracePro release coincides with the official release of Lambda Research’s new product, TracePro Bridge for SolidWorks. TracePro 3.3.6 release is the first TracePro version compatible with TracePro Bridge for SolidWorks, the add-in to SolidWorks 2006. TracePro 3.3.6 version is required to open and understand native TracePro files created from within SolidWorks. TracePro’s 3.3.6 3D kernel has been updated to ACIS R14 service pack 9 to ensure the compatibility between SolidWorks 2006, TracePro Bridge for SolidWorks and TracePro 3.3.6.TracePro Bridge for SolidWorks customers can apply TracePro properties to their SolidWorks parts and assemblies and save this data directly to the *.sldprt and *.sldasm files (the native SolidWorks files) or as TracePro files. These models can then be directly opened in TracePro 3.3.6 for ray trace and analysis. Additionally in the TracePro 3.3.6 release, TracePro RepTile™ properties benefit from several enhancements. Other improvements in TracePro 3.3.6 include updated documentation for macro commands and added macro commands including DXF exporting and RGB color analysis. The new TracePro release includes a total of 24 additions and improvements, all of which are listed in the TracePro 3.3.6 Revision history available for download at Current TracePro customers will find the TracePro 3.3.6 update installer available for download on Lambda Research’s web site at

Petra Lepke Director of Marketing Lambda Research Corporation 1-978-486-0766

E-mail:[email protected]

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