LED driver redefines operating Vf and IMax. opening new markets for LED's in control and signalling.

May 8, 2006
Date Announced: 08 May 2006 A new product christened INDI-LINK serves as a driver mechanism that allows ordinary LED devices to operate in the current mode almost exclussively and over the huge range of 3mA to 10 Amperes. It also lowers the required Vf min. by a factor of up to 10 times normal (0.35-1.2 Volts) what ever colour LED, thus rendering electric current visible to the eye.As well as visible information there is also the option to provide photo-isolated, volt-free outputs that report a current's presence, polarity and phase to a seperate control system.The device is very simple to use being line powered and will have application in AC or DC control circuits for condition monitoring, signal isolation, testing, proving and multiplying the functionality of simple hardwired circuits.Great saving in wiring can be made allowing optional high availability, fault tolerant circuits to be constructed at very low cost.Typical application includes gaining closed-loop feedback information from remote solenoids, binary valve devices, motor control, Power Managment.Contact is invited from organisations wishing to profit from this very versatile low cost product.

R. Gardner Bluelake Technology Tel. +44(0)1446 741180 Mobile +44(0)7887705480

E-mail:[email protected]

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