Experts from 35 States, Canada and China Gather in St. Louis to Tackle the Next Frontiers in Energy Efficient Lighting

April 1, 2019
DesignLights Consortium’s meeting looks at LEDs as a pathway to smart buildings, how quality of light affects human health and productivity, new efficiency benchmark for horticultural lighting, cybersecurity considerations in networked lighting, and more

ST. LOUIS– April 1, 2019 – Utility executives, energy efficiency professionals, lighting manufacturers and suppliers, researchers and other industry leaders from across the US, Canada and China today kicked off a three-day conference focused on collaboration to speed the transition to high-efficiency LED technologies worldwide.

City of St. Louis Sustainability Director Catherine Werner will officially welcome over 200 DesignLights Consortium (DLC) Annual Stakeholder Meeting attendees hailing from 35 states and three countries. Other speakers include representatives of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, the Continental Automated Buildings Association, Efficiency Vermont, and the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

"The commercial lighting sector is changing fast – from innovating to spur installations of smart networked lighting, to understanding quality of light impacts on workers and students and introducing farmers to the benefits of high efficiency horticultural lighting,” DLC Executive Director Halfpenny said. "The DLC is excited to dive into these and other issues with our diverse stakeholders, as we work together to accelerate the transition to LED lighting in the commercial and industrial sector."

The DLC is a central resource for the lighting industry, utilities and others seeking to glean more efficiency from LED technologies, informing the design of energy efficient lighting incentive programs offered by scores of utility companies across North America. By pushing wider adoption of highly-efficient LED lighting, the DLC and its members and stakeholders are helping to support local, state, and national efforts to cut electricity use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Lighting accounts for about 20 percent of the energy load in US commercial buildings and generates five to six percent of global GHG emissions.

The lighting industry has been changing rapidly since the DLC launched its annual conference eight years ago, but much work remains. With US market penetration of LEDs below 13 percent in the commercial and industrial space, the lighting market remains ripe with opportunity for energy savings. First generation LEDs are ready for replacement, networked lighting is providing a gateway for smart/connected buildings, research shows that lighting controls technology can provide savings of up to 47 percent per project, and horticultural lighting presents a new menu of opportunities and challenges.

These issues and more are on tap through the end of the conference at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3. For more information, please contact: Lisa Capone at [email protected]; 781-589-0326.

About DesignLights Consortium: The DesignLights Consortium is a Medford, Massachusetts- based non-profit working across the US and Canada to accelerate adoption of efficient, high-quality commercial and industrial solid-state lighting. Its Qualified Products List (QPL) of over 375,000 lab-tested luminaires guides the decision-making of utilities across North America in their design of incentives for energy efficient lighting in the C & I sector.


Lisa Capone - [email protected]; 781-589-0326