Lumex Adds New Pink, Purple and Turquoise Colors to Its Broad Line-Up of LEDs

March 31, 2008
Date Announced: 31 Mar 2008 Lumex is announcing the addition of three new color choices to its wide range of visible LED offerings: Pink, purple, and turquoise. Available in Lumex's new InspirationLEDs™, these new colors are ideal for adding impact, excitement, and product differentiation to all types of electronics equipment ranging from consumer products through even the most specialized electronic instrumentation. Potential applications include home electronics, automotive and appliance displays, medical equipment, or anywhere soft pastel colors are desired – with the reliability and low power consumption of LEDs.According to Richard Halliday, Lumex's Director of Sales and Marketing, "Our new InspirationLEDs will provide design engineers the opportunity to introduce innovative and non-traditional color choices into competitive market designs, without sacrificing product quality and speed-to-market."These new devices come in a standard T-5mm packages with radial leads and epoxy lenses. The pink LED is Lumex part number SSL-LX5093PC, and its color is defined via the chromaticity coordinates of 0.33 (x) and 0.20 (y), according to the ICI Standard Colorimetric System. The purple device carries part number SSL-LX-5093VC, and has x and y color coordinates of 0.22 and 0.10 respectively. The turquoise InspirationLED is part number SSL-LX5093TC with color coordinates of 0.19 and 0.41.These devices achieve their distinctive colors by starting with state-of-the-art, high-brightness InGaN-on-silicon chip technology that provides light output at 470nm. Then, unique phosphor coatings are applied to shift the color to the desired pink, purple or turquoise.Lumex's InspirationLEDs have an axial intensity of 2200mcd (typical) at an If of 20mA, and a viewing angle of 20°. The angle is defined by the points where light output is 50% of the on-axis light intensity.All devices are lead-free and RoHS complaint, and are available in bulk or on tape for automatic insertion equipment.Samples of Lumex's pink, purple and turquoise InspirationLEDs are available from stock, with production quantities in 6 - 8 weeks. Pricing is approximately $0.40 each in quantities of 10,000.For engineering assistance, in the US contact Lumex, Sales Department, 290 E. Helen Rd., Palatine, IL 60067 USA. Phone: 1-800-278-5666. FAX: 1-847-359-8904. E-mail: [email protected] Web: In Europe, contact Lumex's European Sales and Operations Center at Robert-Bosch-Str. 1, D-61267 Neu Anspach, Germany. Phone: +49-6081-964-380. Fax: +49-6081-964-381. E-mail: [email protected]. Web (in Europe) In Asia, contact Lumex's Asian Pacific Headquarters at 3F, No. 972, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd., Chu Dung, Hsin Chu County, Taiwan, ROC. Phone: +886-3-582-1124. FAX: +886-3-582-1154. Web (in Chinese): Lumex, an ITW company, is a leading designer, manufacturer and distributor of opto- and photo-electronic components, devices and displays. These products are used mostly in the man-to-machine interface, and in some cases, for the detection of motion, short-range signaling, and fiber communications. Lumex now offers thousands of items, with an emphasis on both application-specific and customer-specific parts for the North American, Asian and European markets.The company is headquartered in Palatine, Illinois and Chu Dung, Hsin Chu County, Taiwan, ROC, with a Sales and Operations center near Frankfurt, Germany. Manufacturing facilities are located in Illinois, Taiwan and China with distributors throughout North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim. Since its inception in 1980, Lumex was established as a global organization offering application-specific solutions – but with the manufacturing efficiencies normally associated only with volume operations. Lumex received its initial ISO 9001 registration in 1996.

Richard Halliday Tel. +1 (800) 278-5666

E-mail:[email protected]
